
Lost Property On Bus Services To School 2022-23

If your child leaves any personal belongings on a school bus, could we ask you to please email rather than

This will be a much quicker option when trying to trace lost property on the bus services and reunited with its rightful owner. 

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral

PSHE Immersion Days

Over the course of the 2022-2023 academic year, pupils in Years 7 to 11 will participate in a full day of activities focusing on their personal, social and health education (PSHE). These days form a key part of the new PSHE Curriculum, in addition to their fortnightly lesson with a member of the PSHE staff team. Pupils also have one tutor time a week looking at their wider development, including Citizenship and making links between cross-curricular skills.

At the end of September, Year 9 were the first pupils to have their PSHE Immersion Day. Over the course of the day, pupils rotated round six different activities. These activities included talking about Mental Health with our fantastic counselling team, and Sexual Health with Pastoral Deputy Head, Beth Sharpe. Pupils also had a focused session with Learning Skill Coordinator, Helen Pascoe-Williams, looking at the key elements of VESPA (vision, effort, systems, practice and attitude). In the other three sessions, pupils participated in practical sessions to learn about CPR, Feeling Good and Law and Crime. There was a sense of fun throughout the day, interspersed with moments of reflective calm, and the feedback from pupils has been hugely positive.

The next year group to have their PSHE Immersion Day will be Year 11. Their day in November will have the theme of Opportunities and will incorporate the Fresher’s Fair of sixth form subjects and a visiting speaker.


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Year 11 Prom And Headmaster's Thanksgiving Service And Buffet Lunch – Save The Dates

Tuesday 27 June 2023

We can now confirm that the Headmaster’s Thanksgiving Service and Buffet Lunch will be held on Tuesday 27 June 2023 in school.

The Year 11 Prom will also be held on Tuesday 27 June 2023 at Coombe Abbey in Coventry.

Further information to follow.

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral



As a reminder, this year detentions will be held as follows: 

Years 7, 8 and 9 Tuesday at 1.05pm in F23A

Years 10 and 11 Thursday at 1.05pm in F23A

Detentions will be set if a pupil receives three LLCs (which includes uniform and mobile phone violations) or one HLC per half term.

Three lates per half term will also result in a lunchtime detention. 

One HLC per half term will automatically lead to a Friday after school detention for a pupil. 

Three detentions equals a Saturday morning detention. Parents will be notified in advance if their child is expected to attend an after school detention via an isams email message.

Please can I take this opportunity to ask parents, over the half term hoildays, to remind their children of the importance of good conduct and organisation in school. Pupils failing to comply with the Princethorpe College Code of Conduct may put themselves and others as risk of harm.

Beth Sharpe  
Deputy Head - Pastoral