A very big thank you to all the staff and pupils for their support at Sixth Form Open Evening. We hope it gave our Year 11s and their parents plenty of useful food for thought. If you missed the evening, information will be sent to you directly and Year 11 pupils will be fully supported through the process.

With the end of this half term upon us, we wish everyone a good half term break and look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday 31 October.

Watch out for the next edition of the Flagpole on Friday 4 November. Click here to email the Flagpole.


Headmaster's Message

Message From The Headmaster

As we come to the end of this exceptionally busy first half term, I would like to thank you for all your support.

It has been great to see every year group starting positively on their academic year journeys and making the most of the array of opportunities on offer to them both inside and outside the classroom. There have been many highlights including the Year 7 and Year 8 Parents' Quizzes, both won by Austin House, our first Whole School Photograph in five years, World Porridge Day and the accompanying enthusiastic Welly Wanging, in aid of Mary's Meals and of course today’s Pink Day, in support of Breast Cancer charities.

We were delighted to have a terrific turnout for our Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday this week, including many families from other schools. I hope our Year 11s and their parents found the event useful and informative as they look ahead to their next steps and decisions about which subjects to study post GCSE.

On a sad note after freak winds we lost one of our much-loved Lime trees by the Lime Walk this week. Whilst thankfully nobody was hurt, measures were quickly put into place on the day to ensure everybody's safety. The trees are regularly checked by specialist arboriculturists and have been thoroughly checked again after the incident.

It is good to see our October Half Term sporting trips returning after a hiatus. The popular Holland Hockey Trip and South Coast Tour both depart this Saturday, providing invaluable and memorable experiences both on and off the sports field for all involved. Thanks to all the staff who support our pupils on these trips and those that took place earlier in the term to Whitemoor Lakes (Year 7) and Dearne Valley (Lower Sixth).

The next half term promises to have much in store, our whole school Remembrance Service on Friday 11 November, the annual Prize Giving on Friday 18 November, the wonderful PTA Christmas Fair on Sunday 27 November and the school production of Dickens' A Christmas Carol at the end of November, all building to a festive close to the end of term. 

Again, many thanks for your continued support, wishing you and your family a good half term break.

Ed Hester


Princethorpe College Invaded By Romans

The Roman Legionary invaded Princethorpe College on Thursday 13 October armed with swords and scutums (shields) and ready to do battle. It was Year 7 Roman Day, a day when every pupil in the year enjoys lessons full of tales of blood and gore, as they learn about the professional heavy infantryman of the Roman army.

Lucky class ‘volunteers’ dressed up in body armour and handled weapons as Gladiatrix Lisa, captivated the new recruits with fascinating facts about all things Roman. Pupils donned the Roman tunica, lorica (armour) and galea (helmet) and then picked up their gladius (sword) and prepared to march.

Year 7 were treated to lessons in sword skills and battle tactics from the greatest army of the time. They practised marching in the testudo formation adopting the shield wall formation commonly used by the Roman legions in battle.

Get The Specialists brought to life the strategic tactics and organisation of the Roman fighting machine. With replica costumes and equipment their sessions complemented the lessons Year 7 have been studying in History this half term.

History Teacher, Greg Lyttle, said, “The Year 7s have learnt all about the life of a Roman soldier, his training and his clothing and armour, but they have also discovered lots of interesting background information about Roman times. Get The Specialists’ visit has left pupils buzzing with curiosity and keen to find out more, it was a fantastic day of learning for all who took part.”

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Senior Boys And Senior Girls Take First Place At Local Round Of ESAA Cross Country Cup

Princethorpe College was delighted to welcome 175 runners from 12 Warwickshire schools on Monday 10 October for the local qualifying round of the English Schools Athletics Association’s (ESAA) Cross Country Cup.

Runners competed in the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Boys and Girls races on a course that led competitors around the College’s playing fields; the autumn sunshine providing good running conditions.

Congratulations to Princethorpe’s Senior Boys and Senior Girls teams who both finished in first place overall. Ava Farren led the girls team home finishing in 2nd place, Kate Pomerleau was just behind in 4nd, Jess Evans 5th, Natasha Thomas 11th, Emma Sarkies 12th and Liv Sarkies 15th. For the Senior Boys, Ben Smith ran a strong race and was first across the line with Felix Batty finishing 3rd, Toby Collett 10th, Guy Dawkins 11th and Albert Jackson-Bettles 14th.

The Intermediate Girls finished in second place overall, with Martina Grace first across the line, hot her heels was Evie Marston in 2nd, with Lily Hunter 6th, Isla Lacey 20th, Sophie Gambling 24th and Delilah Teeton 25th. The Intermediate Boys finished fourth overall with Charlie Atkins finishing 5th, Eddie Arkesden 7th, Toby Iley 16th, Ned Roach 18th, Jamie Capelett 19th and Sam Grindal 22nd.

The Junior Girls finished in fourth place, with Rosa Davis coming 6th, Anabel Davis 15th, Marley Adnitt 19th, Jessie Murphy 23rd, Clea Roach 26th and Charlotte Gower 34th. While the Junior Boys did one better finishing in third place overall with William Smith 4th, Charlie Leech 9th, Louis Reynolds 10th, Ollie Hawkins 12th, Alvin Wamala 15th, Freddie Stephenson 24th.

The Senior Boys, Senior Girls, Inter Girls and Junior Boys have qualified for the Regional Final which will take place on Saturday 12 November.

Well done to all the participants for their excellent efforts and a special thank you to the Games Captains for their support at the event.

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Train To Teach At Princethorpe Through School Direct

Thinking of becoming a teacher? Then why not consider training with the Princethorpe Foundation.

Whether you are a new graduate or contemplating a career change, we have a wide range of opportunities available across the subjects including: Art and Design, Business Studies, Latin, English, Geography, History, Maths, MFL - French and Spanish, PE, Psychology, RE and at Primary.

Though our association with the Lion Alliance, we offer a year’s training as part of the School Direct scheme, leading to Qualified Teacher Status. Placements would be at Princethorpe or Crackley Hall and also at other schools within the Lion Alliance. Our training is supported by Warwick University, Birmingham City University, Coventry University and by our experienced mentors here at the Princethorpe Foundation.

You can preview the courses on offer here: https://www.gov.uk/find-postgraduate-teacher-training-courses by searching the database using the details: 1K1 – The Lion Alliance

Our Assistant Head for Teaching and Learning, Dr Liz Pyne is happy to offer advice about the different routes into teaching and what Princethorpe can offer you. Please email Dr Pyne at lizpyne@princethorpe.co.uk.

Further information about the Lion Alliance can be found at www.thelionalliance.co.uk.

Applications are now open through the DfE portal here: Apply for teacher training - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).

Primary Schools Take On Princethorpe College’s Year 5 Maths Challenge

Teams from Paddox Primary School and Grange Farm Primary School finished in joint first place in this year’s Princethorpe College Year 5 Maths Challenge.

The competition took place on Monday 10 October 2022 and was run by Douglas Buchanan of DCBEAGLE Challenges who specialises in organising exciting and innovative maths activities for primary school aged children.

Competing were 38 pairs of enthusiastic and talented mathematicians from 19 schools. The pupils completed a series of puzzles against the clock. In five eight-minute rounds they tackled Tangram Triangles, Broken Calculators, Domino Jigsaws, Make 24, Card Order and Curly’s Cycling Circuits.

Ably supported and marked by a team of Princethorpe Year 10 pupils, the competition stretched and challenged the youngsters with mathematical activities that required both reasoning skills and mathematical knowledge. The event was huge fun for all who took part.

The final results were:

Joint 1st place: Paddox Primary School from Rugby, and Grange Farm Primary School, from Coventry.

Joint 3rd place: Ruckleigh School, from Solihull, Crescent School, from Rugby, and St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, from Kenilworth.

The winning teams all received mathematical prizes presented by Princethorpe College’s Head of Mathematics, Sharon McBride, and everyone who participated received a certificate and a special Princethorpe cookie.

It was a great opportunity for all to put their maths skills to the test and the College was delighted to host the event.

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New Electronic Scoreboard Unveiled On The Astro

Friday evening saw the unveiling of Princethorpe’s new electronic scoreboard just in time for the Girls First XI Hockey team‘s Friday Night Lights match against RGS Worcester.

The new scoreboard was funded by the PTA so just before the match Foundation Director of Sport, Lee Cassell, and Assistant Head Co-Curricular, Neil McCollin, welcomed members of the PTA into school to thank them for their donation and for an official photo to mark the first use of the new high-tech scoreboard.

Situated at the rear of the Astro, the new scoreboard will allow the College to provide live updates to spectators watching matches as well as providing professional facilities to those who hire the school’s facilities.

Of course, the girl’s hockey team celebrated the new scoreboard in the very best way by claiming an excellent 5-1 victory under the floodlights in their Friday night match.

Comments, Lee Cassell, “Many thanks to the PTA for funding the new scoreboard. It’s an excellent addition to the College’s Sports facilities and one that will allow spectating parents to really engage with fixtures.”

Latest Alumni Newsletter Just Published

The latest issue of The Old Princethorpian, the Princethorpe Foundation’s termly e-newsletter for past pupils, staff and parents, old and new, is out now!

Visit: http://www.oldprincethorpian.co.uk to have a read.

The newsletter aims to keep our alumni in touch with each other and news, developments and events across the Foundation. It includes the latest Foundation and College news, and plenty of news and updates from OPs across the decades.

The next events in the OP calendar include our Prize Giving Drinks Reception for last year's Upper Sixth on Friday 18 November and the College Christmas Fair on Sunday 27 November.


Whole School Photograph Records Princethorpe Community For Posterity

After delays due to COVID and subsequent aborted attempts, last week we finally managed to take a photograph of the whole school. The Princethorpe family was recorded for posterity, a moment in time, that will always remembered. The photograph will, once produced, be hung in the corridor adjacent to the Chapel, alongside the others from over the years.

Of course, the organisation of such a mass event requires military precision, exemplary behaviour and a prayer for fair weather. Sadly Wednesday 5 October dawned windy and wet but the gathering of nearly 1000 souls, as pupils, teachers and support staff assembled, was going ahead whatever the weather and all went smoothly and sensibly.

Then just before the heavens opened there was time for - smiles please – and click, and we were done. Another chapter in Princethorpe’s long history successfully recorded.

Enjoy a time lapse of the whole school photp on our Facebook page here.

College Supports World Porridge Day

Princethorpe College pupils and staff marked World Porridge Day last week by raising money for the Scottish charity Mary’s Meals. Championed by our Sixth Formers and Assistant Head of Sixth Form, Rod Isaacs, pupils participated in a posse of Scottish and porridge fundraising fun.

At break time pupils were invited to dig deep and purchase a traditional Scottish breakfast, a pot of porridge, with a selection of luxurious toppings. Queues quickly formed for the steaming pots in the corridor outside the Refectory.

The Scottish theme continued out on the Close where only the brave participated in the annual William Wallace Welly Wanging Challenge. Organised by House, there were plenty of contenders lined up ready to enthusiastically fling, hurl, chuck and toss the wellies across the fields.

Rod Isaacs explains, "Princethorpe College has raised over £110,000 for Mary's Meals in the last 15 years through epic sponsored walks, welly-wanging and cake sales. Last year alone we raised over £10,000 and we are committed to continuing our fundraising for the forthcoming year."

He continued, “Many thanks to all the Sixth Formers and staff who helped to organise the events. We have raised £214.58 that will contribute towards the College’s ongoing feeding programme at Makalanga School.”

World Porridge Day is a fundraising event organised by Mary’s Meals in aid of starving children in the developing world. The charity provides daily meals in a place of learning addressing both the immediate needs of hungry children whilst encouraging them to go to school where they can gain an education that can help them out of poverty. It costs just £15.90 to feed a child for a whole year.

You can find out more about Princethorpe’s fundraising for Mary's Meals or make a donation here

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Princethorpe's Beekeepers Collect The Honey

Princethorpe’s bees and beekeepers have been busy of late. After a long hot summer, it was time to start collecting the honey.

First the honeycombs were brought down from the hives ready for our beekeepers to extract the honey. Then the frames were prepared, with the wax cap that the bees put on the honey removed. The frames were inserted in a centrifuge and spun to get the honey out and, finally, the beekeepers collected the fruits of their and the bees’ labour! The tub is approximately half the honey which was extracted from one of the hives. All the beekeepers will get a share of the honey and any left over will be sold in support of the school's charities.

Beekeeping Club meets after school on Wednesday, see Mr Vella for more details.

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Princethorpe Celebrates National Poetry Day

Princethorpe’s pupils joined in the celebration of all things poetical on National Poetry Day. Held this year on Thursday 6 October, the College's English department encouraged everyone to make, experience and share poetry with a series of different activities that allowed pupils to express themselves in rhyme and verse.

Year 7 English classes enjoyed poetry karaoke sessions, writing an extra stanza for the poem We Don’t Have to Give Up Hope by Nicola Davies and then reading their verses out. Tutor groups joined in, with different activities linked to the theme for the day, the Environment. In the Library there was a poetry display and pupils were encouraged to take part in a poetry competition, writing their own poem about the environment.

Poetry can unlock imaginations and help children be creative and here at Princethorpe, on National Poetry Day, everyone joined in and had a little bit of poetry fun.

Parents Enjoy Headmaster's Quiz

Every year the PTA organises an event to welcome new parents and their children to the school. This year, due to the event being cancelled last year, both Year 7 and Year 8 parents were warmly welcomed to Princethorpe to take on the Headmaster’s Quiz.

On offer was a challenging mental workout accompanied by a sumptuous curry supper, kindly prepared by the catering team. Both events opened with the very testing question, ‘Which house is your child in?’ and, only when answered correctly, could parents then collect their supper from the kitchen and drinks from the PTA cash and card bar.

Then, while the children enjoyed their social, organised by House Activities Leader, Jess Newborough and her team. Mr Hester put the parents through their paces with rounds including Sport, History, Maths, Films and Celebrities, as well as a special round dedicated to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. With all important house points up for grabs each round was hotly contested, though everyone had lots of fun and laughter along the way.

Many thanks to the PTA for organising such successful events, to our Holroyd Howe catering team for the super food, to all the College staff who assisted and to all the parents for participating so enthusiastically. The evenings were both huge successes raising an amazing total of £753.07.

Money raised by the PTA is used for the enrichment of pupils attending Princethorpe College so do look out for their next event! The PTA can now accept payment using a Credit Card.

If you want to support fundraising for the school, please note the PTA is registered with Easy Fundraising, so why not sign up to support the PTA. You can find out more here:


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A-level Inspiration At The Sixth Form Open Evening

This year's Sixth Form Open Evening took place on Wednesday 12 October. It was an ideal opportunity for Year 11 pupils to discover what Princethorpe’s Sixth Form has to offer. Over the course of the evening some 127 internal and external applicants and their parents toured the school, visiting the various A-level departments, meeting staff and current Sixth Formers and hearing more about subjects and the exciting enrichment and co-curricular opportunities here at Princethorpe. With over 30 different courses available there was plenty to choose from.

Headmaster, Ed Hester, gave a series of short overview presentations and it was great to see the school so full of parents and prospective pupils. Excellent academic results are of course a vital feature of any Sixth Form provision, but Mr Hester talked about the College’s family ethos, the focus on adding value for the individual and supporting students to achieve their personal best. He also spoke about Princethorpe's strengths, such as the dedicated Careers team and the enrichment opportunities, that add so much value to students’ future university, apprenticeship or employment applications.

As always the evening was very busy with plenty of interest being shown across the subjects. Sixth Formers acted as tour guides for our external visitors and talked enthusiastically about their experiences.

Head of Sixth Form, Ben Collie reminded everybody, “The next stage is to decide on the subjects you might wish to study, as a rule of thumb you should focus on the subjects you enjoy and are doing well in. Current Year 11s will be well supported throughout the process.”

External candidates now have the opportunity to join us for Sixth Form Taster Days in either December or January. More information on these days is available from the Registrars at admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.

For anyone who was unable to make Wednesday's Sixth Form Open Evening, information packs and links to recordings of the presentations will be shared.

101 Shoeboxes Donated To This Year's Christmas Teams4U Appeal

This year Princethorpe’s Chaplaincy Team has again supported the St Anne's, Wappenbury, Parish Shoe Box Appeal, to provide gifts for children overseas who would not otherwise receive a Christmas present.

A grand total of 101 boxes have been assembled and will be delivered to the local co-ordinator, ready to bring happiness and joy at this special time of the year. They were packed full of little gifts and included educational and hygiene essentials such as toothbrushes, hairbrushes, paper and pens, every day, ordinary items to us but of great value to those who receive the gift.

The boxes will be distributed by Teams4U and will be given to a vulnerable child, or family, through schools, nurseries, hospitals and orphanages. T4U share the shoeboxes through relationships with local communities as part of a long-term commitment to their children. They also provide financing for pre-school programmes to support education and development.

Our thanks go to all the pupils, parents and staff who have donated to the appeal and our Year 11 pupils Jack Dando, Louise Gambling, Isaac Kirby, Alex Mold, Genevieve Slater-Tucker, Tom Smith and Jemima Teeton and Year 8 pupils Isabella Kay and Emily Knight for so ably supporting the appeal by assembling, sorting and packing the boxes.


Year 7 Science Family Challenge

Tuesday 1 November 2022 - 5.30pm to 7.00pm

Year 7 pupils and their parents are invited to compete in the annual 'Science Family Challenge'. 

Each team will carry out a range of hands-on science practical work, competing against other pairs to win the coveted Science Family Challenge trophy.

We can only accommodate one parent per pupil and a maximum of 36 teams due to limited space, staffing and equipment, so sign up as soon as you can to avoid disappointment.

Between challenges, Science teachers will carry out fun and exciting demonstrations and presentations. Our goal for the event is to share our enthusiasm for science and to give parents the opportunity to experience a taste of science education at Princethorpe College. 

If you have any questions, please get in touch via email at danlee@princethorpe.co.uk

Please sign-up via the link here.

Dan Lee
Head of Physics and STEAM co-ordinator

Da Vinci Lecture - The Fabulous World Of Plant Science

Wednesday 9 November 2022 - 7.00pm to 8.30pm

On Wednesday 9 November, Princethorpe College is hosting a da Vinci Lecture in the Sixth Form Lecture Theatre from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. 

Dr Alex Jones, Director of Proteomics Research Technology Platform and Director of Postgraduate Taught Courses at the School of Life Sciences at the University of Warwick will be our guest speaker.

Moving from some quick large scale ecosystem examples, down to some molecular biology, Dr Jones will explore how wonderful and essential plants are from food and building materials, to drugs and decarbonisation solutions.  

We warmly invite students and parents to join us for this free ticket event. Refreshments will be provided. Please follow this link to book your tickets. 



Parent's Book Club

Wednesday 9 November 2022 - 7.00pm

We have a good number of parents at our last meeting and it was good to see both old and new faces. It was also great that we all seem to have enjoyed Fingersmith by Sarah Waters. All found it a very engaging read with some astonishingly unexpected twists and turns. This is a gothic tale with Dickensian London as its base. Superbly researched, we are taken on a journey from London to remote mansions to asylums and back to London again with endless double crossings along the way. Certainly this is highly recommended as a read for winter evenings. 

We are meeting again in the Library at 7.00pm on Wednesday 9 November. On that occasion we will be discussing The Dance Tree by Kiran Milwood Hargrave, which has been well-reviewed, and a memoir as well: Delicacy by Katy Wix, which we are told on the front cover is a memoir about cake and death!  Do please join us whether or not you have read these texts. You will find a friendly, welcoming and unpretentious group who are always ready to try fresh reading suggestions.

Chris Kerrigan
Head of English

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Remembrance Service Friday 11 November

Friday 11 November - 11.00am 

On Friday 11 November at 11.00am the Princethorpe College community will gather together to silently reflect on the bravery and the selfless sacrifice made by so many of our country's service men and women.

This service will take place outside on the playground, so please can pupils ensure they bring a coat to school with them that day if the weather is cold. 

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral





Year 11 GCSE Revision Evening For Parents And Pupils - Reminder

Monday 21 November 2022 – 6.00pm to 7.30pm

As part of our VESPA strategy, Princethorpe College will be holding a virtual, interactive GCSE revision evening, on Monday 21 November between 6.00pm and 7.30pm, for the parents and pupils in Year 11.

It will be hosted by Martin Griffin and Steve Oakes who have worked with more than sixty schools to develop effective character education systems using the VESPA model. During the session, Martin and Steve will explore the key principles of having a positive and proactive learning mindset and share tools and strategies for effective coaching and intervention with parents and equip parents and pupils with practical ideas and strategies to support their children throughout their GCSE courses. We do hope that Year 11 parents and pupils will be able to join us for what promises to be a very useful and informative evening.

We look forward to you joining this event. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at lizpyne@princethorpe.co.uk

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head - Teaching and Learning

PTA Christmas Fair

Sunday 27 November 2022 - 2.00pm to 4.30pm

The PTA Christmas Fair will take place on Sunday 27 November - a fun, festive event for all ages including:

  • Christmas shopping market – choose from a range of artisan crafts, jewellery and gift
  • Christmas craft room – make a Christmas table decoration
  • Refreshments – mince pies and mulled wine, hot drinks and cake
  • Bottle and Chocolate Tombolas
  • Princethorpe student stalls
  • Pre-loved school uniform stall
  • Many other fun stalls

Please note the PTA can now take card payments on their refreshments and pre-loved uniform stalls.

You can also participate in the Christmas Raffle and tickets will be sent out after half-term.  We have some fantastic prizes:

  • 1st Prize £250
  • 2nd Prize Fortnum and Mason Hamper
  • 3rd Prize £100

Plus, many more….

We would be very grateful for donations of bottles and/or chocolates in order to run the ever-popular tombolas - these can be sent in to school via the Student Hub.

And don’t forget your pre-loved school uniform! Please leave laundered uniform that is still in good condition with plenty of wear at the student hub. Thank you.

Help Needed:

If you love decorating for Christmas and would like to help in the preparation for the Fair or even at the Fair itself, we’d really like to hear from you. Setting up begins after school on Friday 25 November and runs through the weekend. We greatly appreciate any help, so even if you can only spare half an hour we’d love to see you. Please register with us on the following website app.ptasocial.com/register/princethorpecollege or email PTA@princethorpe.co.uk for more information.

We do hope that you and your family and friends are able to come along to what promises to be a wonderful festive event.

Christmas Wreath Fundraising Evenings - Reminder

Wednesday 30 November and Thursday 1 December - 7.00pm

Our Christmas Wreath making evening has proved so popular in the past that this year we will be putting on two evenings in support of the South Africa Tour fundraising effort.

The evenings will take place on Wednesday 30 November and Thursday 1 December in the Sixth Form Centre. Arrival time will be 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start. Cost for the evening will be £25 per person and includes all materials to make your beautiful wreath, a welcome drink and mince pie.

It is open to all Princethorpe parents, staff and friends. In order to book your place(s) please click here by Wednesday 23 November. One person can book for a group of people – recommended if you would like to sit together for the evening.

There will be a bar on the night and a raffle, so if anyone has a raffle prize they would like to donate, please get in touch with Mr Cassell at leecassell@princethorpe.co.uk


School Production - A Christmas Carol

Thursday 1 to Saturday 3 December 2022 - 7.00pm

The Drama Department warmly invite you to an evening of seasonal cheer!

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

An Adaptation 

One ghostly Christmas night...solitary as an oyster....

The cold hearted Ebeneezer Scrooge is taken on a magical journey with the spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Future. 

Join us for a festive feast for all the family with Tiny Tim, Fezziwig and the Urchins.

Tickets are free and performances will take place on Thursday 1 December, Friday 2 December and Saturday 3 December at 7.00pm in the Clarkson theatre here at Princethorpe College. Please click on the day you require in order to book tickets on My School Portal.

We do hope you can join us for this event.

Princethorpe College South Africa Ball - Save The Date

Saturday 28 January 2023

The South Africa Fundraising Ball is returning on Saturday 28 January 2023. It will be a night of excellent food, music and dancing and has been an enjoyable fundraiser in the past for our South Africa Senior Sports Tour.

Tickets will be limited so please save the date and we will update you with further information and how to purchase tickets in due course.



External Exams For The Academic Year 2022/2023

January 2023

A few of our pupils in Year 11 and the Sixth Form will be taking an external exam in January 2023, the confirmed timetable can be viewed here. All pupils have been given a copy of their entry statement plus the JCQ regulations leaflet which can also be viewed here. Individual timetables can be viewed on My School Portal and room allocations will be shown here nearer the time.

Summer 2023

Next summer’s provisional exam timetable for A-levels and GCSEs can be viewed here; the JCQ and the exam boards are still finalising the programme and hope to issue a confirmed timetable by the end of the month. Entries for these exams will be made in January and submitted to the boards in February after which pupils will be able to view their own individual timetable on My School Portal. A printed copy will also be distributed.

Shellagh Dodds
Examinations and Assessments Manager

Upper Sixth 360 Review Evening

Tuesday 1 November 2022 - 6.00pm to 8.30pm

We would like to invite all parents of Upper Sixth students to a 360 Review Evening with their child’s Form Tutor. This will include a 10 minute face-to-face appointment to discuss overall progress, the opportunity to book a Careers appointment and presentations from senior staff to support preparations for forthcoming mock examinations.

Booking details will be issued the week before this event.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic


Year 11 360 Review Evening

Wednesday 2 November 2022 - 6.00pm to 8.30pm

We would like to invite all parents of Year 11 pupils to a 360 Review Evening with their child’s Form Tutor. This will include a 15 minute face-to-face appointment to discuss overall progress and presentations from senior staff to support preparations for the forthcoming mock examinations.

Booking details will be issued the week before this event.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 8 John Muir Award 2022 - 2023

As part of the Year 8 Technology rotation pupils will spend 8 sessions, approximately 20 hours with homework, being introduced to, and working toward their John Muir Discovery Award.

John Muir is a world-renowned environmental campaigner, widely considered to be the father of the National Parks movement which started in America with the designation of the Yellowstone as the first National Park and spread worldwide. The Trust operated in his name offers the Discovery Award to young people, the aim of which is to raise their awareness of nature and wild places.

The Award is spilt into four challenges.

  • Discover a wild place
  • Explore it
  • Do something to Conserve it
  • Share your experiences

To complete the award pupils must.

  • Complete all four challenges
  • Complete the required time commitment
  • Show enthusiasm and commitment
  • Have an awareness of John Muir

The link here explains a little more about the Award and its aims.

In school we aim to facilitate all four challenges. Over three sessions we introduce the Award and Discover and Explore the Princethorpe site and a local nature reserve, observing and researching the fauna and flora to understand the landscape and how it is managed. There follow three more Conserve sessions when we work with and are supervised by the Princethorpe Foundation Grounds Team working on season dependent conservation and countryside management projects. In the final two sessions we complete a poster project to Share experiences and communicate with others what we have found out.

It is essential if we are to make the most of the Discover, Explore and Conserve sessions, when we spend most of the time outside, that pupils wear weather appropriate clothing and footwear that will keep them warm and dry or cool and safe from the sun depending on the season. In autumn and winter waterproofs and wellies, with hats and gloves, are the best option over warm layers. In spring and summer lighter clothes that still cover the skin and a hat if warm. Legs and arms are best covered to prevent scratches and scrapes from the undergrowth. Princethorpe sports kit can be used but does not have to be. Pupils will be expected to be in uniform prior to and after sessions and we have access to the changing rooms to facilitate this. As we will be using a variety of hand tools PPE and full training will be provided.

The time allocation of lessons with homework equates to approximately 20 hours, five hours short of the required time stipulated by the John Muir Trust. Therefore, to facilitate Year 8 pupils completing the John Muir Discovery Award we ask that families consider how they may voluntarily spend five hours fulfilling the aims of the Award in their own local area. This may include.

  • Explore walk on the local footpaths around where you live
  • Visit and explore a National Park on holiday
  • Go orienteering or geocaching
  • Ride a bike at a Forestry Commission Centre
  • Create some sketches of plants in your garden
  • Write a poem about nature, you could use Robert MacFarlane’s The Lost Words as inspiration
  • Create an area in your garden for birds, bees or insects
  • Build a bat or bird box and put it up in your garden
  • Record the sounds of nature: the wind in the trees, birds and animals
  • Volunteer to help with a work party at a local Wildlife Trust site
  • Visit a Warwickshire Wildlife Trust woodland
  • Go birdwatching, complete a plant or wildlife survey

The list is not exhaustive, and completion is not compulsory, but we hope that you may find it something fun to do to achieve this nationally recognised Award. All that we require to show how you have spent your five family hours is some form of documented evidence that can be shared with us at school digitally. All Year 8 students have been added to a Team, John Muir Award 2022-23 where your collected evidence can be uploaded. The deadline for completion is Friday 30 June 2023.

I hope many of you will join us so that we can raise awareness of the importance of wild places to us all, something John Muir was aware of nearly 150 years ago.

'Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity.

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn'.

John Muir

Simon Robertson - Teacher of Outdoor Education
Will Bower - Outdoor Education Coordinator


Digital Device Scheme Open - Reminder

Please be aware that the next round of orders for the Digital Device Scheme offered by the College, and facilitated by Easy4U/CTS, is now open, and will close on Monday 17 October. 

The scheme is open to pupils in all year groups who wish to refresh or upgrade their current device, and in particular to all pupils in Year 7, who are expected to participate in the Digital Device Scheme. This is to ensure that all Year 7 pupils have the same, school-managed device, ready for use in January 2023. 

There are two options when using the scheme. The device and package can be purchased as either a one-off payment or via monthly payments with the rental option. 

The key points regarding the rental option are: 

  • One low monthly payment covers the rental of the device, the installation of school approved software, and ongoing service, support, and insurance 
  • At any point you can return the device to CTS/Easy4U and they will return your deposit - you are not tied in to a costly finance agreement 
  • As it is a rental scheme (not a lease agreement), there are no credit checks required
  • At the end of the rental period (36 months) you either give the device back to CTS and they return your deposit, or you keep the device and CTS keep the deposit 
  • To purchase or rent the device please simply click on the link below, enter the school code, select the relevant options, and complete the details and online payment.

Easy4U Online Portal

School Code: PRINCE1

For those pupils in receipt of bursaries, there is support available to help meet the cost of the scheme. If your child accesses a bursary and you would like to take advantage of this support, please email feessupport@princethorpe.co.uk for more information. Please ensure you email Fees Support before purchasing through the portal. We will then get back to you regarding how to order. 

Please note that the portal will close on Monday 18 October, so please be sure to make your purchase ahead of this time. 

All devices will be delivered to the school and distributed to pupils. We anticipate these will be available for pupils to collect in the second half of the Michaelmas term, but we will provide further details to parents once the delivery date is confirmed. 

We continue to be very excited by the continued enhancement of the learning experience for our pupils through this scheme and the use of digital devices in the classroom. 

Andy Compton 
Assistant Head - Director of Digital Strategy

Half Term Homework Expectations

Years 7, 8, 9 expectations: 
No formal homework will be set for the half term (although some pupils may have to complete homework set for the last week of the half term). Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders.
Year 10 expectations: 
Homework may be set for certain subjects. Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or Teams/OneNote folders.
Year 11 and Sixth Form expectations:
  • Evaluate your priorities for each subject
  • This is based on two hours work on each weekday of the half term
  • Complete homework set
  • Complete coursework set
  • Complete any outstanding work
  • Sort out your Teams folders/OneNote into good order
  • Keep on top of revision for January mocks (Year 11 and Upper Sixth)

You want to come back from half term refreshed but up to date. 

Good luck and enjoy the break.

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head - Teaching and Learning

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Lost Property On Bus Services To School 2022-23

If your child leaves any personal belongings on a school bus, could we ask you to please email princethorpe@vectare.co.uk rather than lostproperty@princethorpe.co.uk.

This will be a much quicker option when trying to trace lost property on the bus services and reunited with its rightful owner. 

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral

PSHE Immersion Days

Over the course of the 2022-2023 academic year, pupils in Years 7 to 11 will participate in a full day of activities focusing on their personal, social and health education (PSHE). These days form a key part of the new PSHE Curriculum, in addition to their fortnightly lesson with a member of the PSHE staff team. Pupils also have one tutor time a week looking at their wider development, including Citizenship and making links between cross-curricular skills.

At the end of September, Year 9 were the first pupils to have their PSHE Immersion Day. Over the course of the day, pupils rotated round six different activities. These activities included talking about Mental Health with our fantastic counselling team, and Sexual Health with Pastoral Deputy Head, Beth Sharpe. Pupils also had a focused session with Learning Skill Coordinator, Helen Pascoe-Williams, looking at the key elements of VESPA (vision, effort, systems, practice and attitude). In the other three sessions, pupils participated in practical sessions to learn about CPR, Feeling Good and Law and Crime. There was a sense of fun throughout the day, interspersed with moments of reflective calm, and the feedback from pupils has been hugely positive.

The next year group to have their PSHE Immersion Day will be Year 11. Their day in November will have the theme of Opportunities and will incorporate the Fresher’s Fair of sixth form subjects and a visiting speaker.


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Year 11 Prom And Headmaster's Thanksgiving Service And Buffet Lunch – Save The Dates

Tuesday 27 June 2023

We can now confirm that the Headmaster’s Thanksgiving Service and Buffet Lunch will be held on Tuesday 27 June 2023 in school.

The Year 11 Prom will also be held on Tuesday 27 June 2023 at Coombe Abbey in Coventry.

Further information to follow.

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral



As a reminder, this year detentions will be held as follows: 

Years 7, 8 and 9 Tuesday at 1.05pm in F23A

Years 10 and 11 Thursday at 1.05pm in F23A

Detentions will be set if a pupil receives three LLCs (which includes uniform and mobile phone violations) or one HLC per half term.

Three lates per half term will also result in a lunchtime detention. 

One HLC per half term will automatically lead to a Friday after school detention for a pupil. 

Three detentions equals a Saturday morning detention. Parents will be notified in advance if their child is expected to attend an after school detention via an isams email message.

Please can I take this opportunity to ask parents, over the half term hoildays, to remind their children of the importance of good conduct and organisation in school. Pupils failing to comply with the Princethorpe College Code of Conduct may put themselves and others as risk of harm.

Beth Sharpe  
Deputy Head - Pastoral




Sixth Form

Michaelmas Term - Sixth Form Update

It has been a succesful and productive start to the academic year, and I am sure we are all looking forward to some rest and relaxation over the half term break.

Car parking Permits

As part of preparing students for life beyond Princethorpe, it is fantastic to see so many Upper Sixth students passing their driving test this Michaelmas Term. After half term, we will be adding in additional parking spaces on the campus to accommodate 15 new Upper Sixth cars. We will then review again in January to see how many more students have been successful in this 'right of passage'. Our long-term aim is to increase student parking and the Estates team have highlighted a number of areas where this could be done in the future. 

As the weather turns after half term, please make sure students leave plenty of time for their journey into school and drive carefully while they gain more experience driving in these wintery conditions. On campus, please continue with the excellent driving behaviour we have seen so far this term, and please remember to reverse park when possible. 

For any queries please email me and I will reply to you as promptly as possible.

UCAS and Careers

Any questions about UCAS or careers related advice please contact Mrs Quinney directly by email at jacquiquinney@princethorpe.co.uk.

Upper Sixth Reminder

Upper Sixth Social on Friday 9 December

The next Upper Sixth Social will take place on Friday 9 December with a Winter Wonderland theme.

Best wishes for a happy and safe half term break.

Ben Collie 
Head of Sixth Form 



Universities and Careers

Degree Apprenticeships 2023

This programme presents the very latest news, information and research about degree apprenticeships and the opportunities available in 2023, including:

• an introduction to degree apprenticeships, the different types of programmes currently available, how they are funded and the qualifications they lead to

• how degree apprenticeships can provide a fast-track, tuition fee-free entry route into graduate careers such as engineering, technology, banking & finance, management and even law

• an interview with special guest Clare Marchant, Chief Executive of UCAS

• exclusive new research revealing which employers will be offering degree apprenticeship programmes for Sixth Form school-leavers in 2023

• case-studies and insight from current apprentices working on degree apprenticeships in different industries, professions and business sectors

• expert advice and guidance from leading employers on when & how to apply and the selection process for degree apprenticeships

Degree apprenticeship employers featured in the programme include Rolls-Royce, PwC, Dyson, Lloyds Banking Group, BDO, Eversheds Sutherland, NHS and the Royal Navy.  

The programme is being presented by Martin Birchall, research director for the Department for Education’s Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers and Levi Jouavel, a presenter on BBC Three and former BBC apprentice.

The link to watch the programme is here. Available only until the end of October 2022.


Women In Engineering Insight Experience

This insight event introduces BAE Systems, engineering, and the early careers programmes.

Taking place over four days throughout January and February 2023, students will have the opportunity to learn more about BAE Systems plc, gain hands on experience, and visit their sites. There will also be opportunities to meet current engineering apprentices, who will provide information about their role and share their experiences.

Following the sessions, students may be offered a full-time position on one of the BAE Sysytems engineering apprenticeships, starting in Autumn 2023

Find out more information here.

The University Bursary With GCHQ

Each summer, you can apply for an 8-week placement with GCHQ or one of their partners. There are over 100 organsations to chose from around the UK including Lloyds, BT, Thales and Airbus. Every placement will offer something slightly different. You could be in a technical or non-technical role, and you might be based in an office or working remotely. Day to day, you will be working on different tasks, helping to resolve issues or coming up with new ways of doing things. You will get the chance to learn from others, build confidence, work as part of a team, practice your presentation technique and collaborate on various projects.

Depending on your current level of experience, you might be invited to attend the CyberFirst Academy in the first year of the bursary. 

At the end of the bursary, you will come away with something very valuable - real work experiences, new skills and a better understanding of your career options. You will also have the confidence to succeed in the world of cyber and you will have made vital new connections, growing your professional network and finding your place in a community of technical and non-technical experts. 

If you are succesful in securing a student bursary you will earn £4,000 per year, plus an additional £2,000 upon completion of either the CyverFirst Academy or an 8-week placement. 

Applications will close at 11.00pm on 21 November. To register your interest click here

Jaguar Land Rover Level 7 Finance Apprenticeship

Applications are now open for the Level 7 finance apprenticeships at Jaguar Land Rover.

Entry requirements for this apprenticeship programme include: five GCSEs Level 6 (B) or above or A-levels at grade B or above; one of which must be a STEM subject. The apprenticeships last four years and the salary per annum is £24,480

The aim at Jaguar Land Rover is to define the future of movement, and you will be involved in shaping the future of finance. This is because in order to drive the next generation of luxury, sustainable vehicles, they will have to make sure the numbers add up: for their customers and the planet. Finance sits at the very heart of what they do. As part of a team that affects every element of the business, you will have the opportunity to turn your hand to a vast range of fascinating challenges.

Find out more here.

NHS Work Experience

Allied Healthcare Mentor is running a 'LIVE' work experience day on Sunday 6 November.

With the UCAS deadline for NHS health careers in January, students considering a career in healthcare need to gain as much work experience as possible. 

This programme is suitable for students in Year 10 upwards who are interested in the following careers:

- Nursing

- Midwifery

- Paramedicine

- Physiotherapy

- Occupational Therapy

- Dietetics

- Radiography

- Prosthetics and Orthotics

- Speech and Language Therapy

- Pharmacy

Students are awarded a work experience certificate for every session they complete. Those who complete the full 5-month programme will be awarded a highly commended reference from the Presidents of Allied Healthcare Mentor. These are fantastic additions to student CVs and UCAS applications.

During the work experience day, students will follow two patients from their initial presentation to recovery. They will gain a unique insight into how patients interact with various healthcare professionals and what it’s like to work in an NHS multidisciplinary team.

Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with healthcare professionals throughout each day. This will empower students to make informed career decisions and demonstrate their commitment to healthcare in their UCAS applications.

Students can register individually at any time throughout the 5-month programme using this link. Places cost £10 a session to cover administrative and technological costs.




The Graduate And Apprentice Engineer Show

The Graduate and Apprentice Engineer Show brings together the UK's biggest and most successful engineering businesses in one major national event.

Held at the fabulous Holywell Park Conference Centre in Loughborough, the event is the UK's largest dedicated engineering talent event aimed at school leavers and undergraduates.

​Exhibitors include some of the UK’s most prestigious companies such as the BBC, GKN Aerospace British Airways, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar Land Rover, JCB, Zerovia, Johnson Matthey, Jet2, AWE, Saint-Gobain and many more. 

​This event is aimed at students in Year 11 upwards interested in learning more about the amazing career opportunities in the engineering sector. It provides the opportunity to meet with some of the UK's more prestigious employers, to learn about how to stand out from the crowd and how to plan the next steps in your personal development.

Visitor entry is free. However, due to the expected demand, they recommend early registration in order to avoid disappointment.


Cash4Coins - Clear Out Your Cash - Reminder

Maybe you were lucky enough to get away over the summer holidays and now there are a few foreign coins or notes lurking in a pocket or a handbag?

Why not round them up and put them to good use? All donations would be gratefully received and all money raised will be split between UK projects of the SVP (St Vincent de Paul Society), including support for the homeless, elderly, handicapped and those coming out of prison and an overseas SVP project helping to fund secondary school education children - especially girls - in India. Click here to discover what the SVP organisation is about and how your donation can help.

The money can be current or out of date, British or foreign; anything is welcome.

Click here and watch the video to see how cash4coins works. This is what you can donate:

  • All foreign coins and banknotes
  • Current UK coins and banknotes
  • Any old British and Irish money
  • Even obsolete currency

Please send in money in a strong envelope labelled ‘Rod Isaacs - Cash4Coins’. This can be handed in to form tutors to pass on.  We raised nearly £170 last year. 

Many thanks

Rod Isaacs
Assistant Head of Sixth Form

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South Africa Sports Trip Fundraiser – Coventry RFC Saturday 4 March 2023 - Reminder

We have been able to arrange a package which will allow us to raise some funds for the upcoming school trip to South Africa in July 2023.

A hospitality package is available for us to go and watch Coventry RFC at the Butts Park Arena in their league match against London Scottish, with the hospitality in the Formation Media Marquee.

We have 40 seats available for the match on 4 March 2023 at £78 per person (inc VAT) which includes a £18 donation to the 2023 Tour Fund.

The price includes:

  • Matchday Ticket
  • Three Course meal
  • Welcome drink on arrival
  • Access to private cash bar for pre-match, half time and post match socialising
  • The option to watch the match from the XL Motors stand or from the Marquee
  • A visit from a player, subject to availability and Covid rules
  • Free e-programme

We did a similar event for the previous school tour in 2019 which was a great event enjoyed by all who went. 

To book your seats please could you email post@princethorpe.co.uk with the following details:

  • Name of parent
  • Contact email address
  • Whether your son or daughter is due to be on the 2023 trip
  • Number of seats you would be interested in taking up

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular




Princethorpe College PTA - Easyfundraising - Reminder

Please don’t forget that Princethorpe College PTA is registered with easyfundraising. So, although we’ve been unable to get together and hold fundraising events in person for a while, we can continue to raise free funds, at no extra cost to you.

When you shop via the easyfundraising website or app, with over 4,100 of your favourite retailers, including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Amazon and many more, you will raise FREE donations for the school.  

If you’re not already registered, please visit our easyfundraising page here:

This will really make a difference to our school! Thank you for your support.

Join The Princethorpe PTA Community - Reminder

Our friendly PTA here at Princethorpe College are keen to welcome new members. 

By joining our PTA community, you are not committing to volunteer, but just to joining our community and if you do wish to volunteer you will receive emails when we require help to run our events.

For more information about the PTA and how to join please email pta@princethorpe.co.uk

Princethorpe PTA


Michaelmas Term Celebration Of Achievement - Reminder

It is always great to hear about our pupils' successes that take place outside of school; please do keep us updated if your son or daughter has won a competition, is performing in a show or competing at a high level with a sporting team outside of school, we would love to hear more. 

We would like to invite parents to submit this information to us via a nomination form by clicking here so we might celebrate these achievements in school too.  

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular

Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award - Signing Up 2022-23 - Reminder

The Parent Information Evening recorded presentation, Information Booklet and Enrolment Form are all available on MySchoolPortal/Co-curricular/DukeofEdinburgh’sAward via the link here.

The deadline for enrolment is today, Friday 14 October (half term). Please complete the form and submit the £50 non-refundable deposit. Assemblies will be held with pupils after half term where course materials will be distributed and the next steps explained.

Here is a reminder of the eligibility criteria: 

Award Stage    Age Requirement

Bronze              Year 9

Silver                Year 10

Gold                 16 years old (must be in the Sixth Form)

I look forward to welcoming pupils onto the scheme this year. 

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager

Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award 2021-22 – Complete your Award - Reminder

Please continue to prioritise signing off your volunteering, physical and skill sections.  You will notice that this week I have been working through signing off your expedition sections.  Many have already completed their award in full.  Guidance can be found on a DofE Completion email sent to you and your parents, the advice documents are also available on MySchoolPortal.

Lunchtime drop-in clinics continue this week, lunch 1 – LG01 and lunch 2, in LG02.  I will aim to hold the Certificate Presentation Evening in February 2023.  However, the final deadline for completion for those aiming to move from bronze to silver is October half term, for those stopping at bronze it is Christmas.

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager


Trips and Visits

Educational Visits Update - Reminder

Co-curricular trips and educational visits have always been a major part of life at Princethorpe. These experiences for pupils enrich their lives, enhance their learning and develop their understanding and appreciation of the world around. 

We would like to update you with the provisional major trips and visits plans as they currently stand (this does not include academic department day trips or Duke of Edinburgh's Award). Please click here for the planned school trips in the coming years.

Please also ensure that you read the information about individual trips with care when they are released, in particular in relation to consent, cancellation and insurance.

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular



IT Security Incident Reporting Policy - Reminder

As a Foundation we take IT Security very seriously, for the benefit of all stakeholders including pupils, parents and staff. As we move into the new school year we wanted to remind you of our IT Security Incident Reporting Policy and highlight once more some key elements of this, in the unlikely case that you encounter anything that could constitute a possible security incident in your use of Foundation systems such as My School Portal, or receive any suspicious emails that pertain to be from the Foundation.

IT Security incidents are any incidents which may risk compromise of personal data, attempts to imitate Foundation IT Systems or unauthorised access to Foundation IT Systems. This could include incorrect communication of information, for example via email, information being available publicly, unauthorised access to Foundation IT Systems such as My School Portal through password cracking or sharing, or the theft/loss of portable media such as unencrypted USB drives or laptops.

Should you or your children become aware of any of the above incidents, or similar, please contact either servicedesk@princethorpe.co.uk or a member of staff at the school attended by your child/children. The Incident Management Procedure will then be initiated.

Pupils will also be informed of the need to tell a member of staff, such as their tutor or teacher if they suspect any IT security incident such as those above, and staff are also made aware of this.

Of course, we hope this will never be necessary, but felt it important to inform you of the correct procedure if you do encounter any IT Security Incidents relating to Foundation systems. 

Eddie Tolcher
Foundation Bursar 

School Shop Opening Hours - Reminder

The school shop is open for pupils during both break and lunch time and after school for pupils and parents on Mondays and Wednesdays 3.30pm - 4.30pm, term time only. 

When ordered items are ready for collection, the pupil with be emailed and informed that they can collect from the shop during the opening times.

If you need to contact the school shop please email in the first instance to uniform@princethorpe.co.uk.

Barbara Bromwich
Foundation Shop Manager


Employment Opportunities

Please see below our current vacancies: 

Princethorpe Foundation

  • Head of Finance 

Little Crackers

  • Nursery Practitioner

Full details and how to apply are available via the following link: Join Us

Should you know anyone who might be interested in this post, please do share this information with them.

Communication - Reminder

We would like to remind parents of some useful contact details.

To report a pupil absence please email attendance@princethorpe.co.uk or telephone the Attendance Line on 01926 634260.

For other enquiries please use the email addresses below:

Bus related queries - princethorpe@vectare.co.uk

School Shop - uniform@princethorpe.co.uk

Medical Centre - pcmatrons@princethorpe.co.uk

School fees -  accounts@princethorpe.co.uk

General enquiries - post@princethorpe.co.uk

Lost property - lostproperty@princethorpe.co.uk

Wisepay catering - cashless@princethorpe.co.uk

Email addresses for members of teaching staff can be found on My School Portal.

Term Dates - 2022-23 And 2023-24 - Reminder

Please find below the Term Dates for 2022-23 and 2023-24

2022-23 (two page document) 

2023-24 (two page document)