An Update From The Careers Team
Welcome to the start of a new school year. We thought we would take this opportunity to remind you of what we do and where we can be found. Our office is now in F49 on Lower Pugin, and Kerry Low and I welcome visits from students and staff with queries and questions.
Here is reminder of what we aim to do.
For pupils
For all year groups we can talk about pupils' choices and options for subjects and careers. We offer each student a one-to-one guidance interview in Y10 and Y11 and again in L6. Students are also welcome to pop into F49 at lunch, tutor or breaktime for further help. We also contribute to the careers curriculum that runs from Yr7 to Yr13 in PHSE and provide information for all the choices the students will need to make at the appropriate time.
For parents
Parents can contact the careers team via email and one of us will get in touch.
Finally, we are now responsible for Work Experience and the biannual Careers Fair, next scheduled for March 2023. If you are a parent and feel you could contribute in terms of offering a work placement or exhibiting at our Careers Fair please get in touch.
Jacqui Quinney
Head of Careers