
Heritage Open Afternoon At Princethorpe College - Reminder

Sunday 18 September 2022 - 2.00pm to 4.30pm

This September the College will once again be participating in the Heritage Open Day festival and you are all invited to come for a tour.

Built in 1832, St Mary's Priory was one of the first Catholic buildings built in England after the Reformation and until 1966 it was home to a congregation of Benedictine nuns. The Priory was then purchased by The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart who established Princethorpe College. Today Princethorpe is a fully co-educational Catholic independent day school.

The Foundation's Archive team will be conducting free tours of the College on Sunday 18 September from 2.00pm to 4.30pm where they will share the history of our magnificent building and the amazing people that made it the place it is today.

It's always a popular event and all are welcome to come along.


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Online Parents' Admissions Q&A Session - Revised Date

Tuesday 20 September - 6.30pm to 7.30pm

The College's Admissions Team will be holding a Online Parents' Q&A session on Tuesday 20 September from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

The event will be a live streamed Q&A session with Ed Hester (Headmaster), Michael Spencer, (Deputy Head - Academic) and Mrs Vanessa Rooney (Registrar). This is a chance for parents to ask our Admissions Team questions relating to the admissions process and Entrance Examinations Day in an informal forum before the registration deadline of Friday 30 September.

If you would like to attend please click on this link, where you will also be able to submit any questions you may have in advance.

Year 6 Taster Days And September Open Morning

For those families looking at entry to the College in September 2023 for their child, there are still a few opportunities to visit the College before the registration deadline on Friday 30 September. 

Open Morning
Thursday 22 September 10.30am to 12.30pm

The College's Open Morning will give prospective families a chance to visit the school on a normal working day, with Year 8 and 9 pupils acting as tour guides. Light refreshments will be available.

All are welcome please book your place by clicking here.

Year 6 Taster Day
Tuesday 27 September 

Our final Taster Day is on Tuesday 27 September and is great for prospective pupils to experience school life at Princethorpe. Typically they involve four lessons, a question and answer session, with some of our current pupils, and the chance to talk to the Headmaster, Mr Hester. Snacks and lunch are provided and there is no charge for the day. Parents of prospective pupils who have yet to attend a Taster Day can book their child a place here

Entrance Examinations Day for September 2023 entry will take place on Saturday 5 November 2022 from 9.30am to 3.30pm. The deadline for registrations, scholarship and bursary applications is Friday 30 September 2022.

If you have any questions please contact the Admissions Team on 01926 643201/262 or 297 or email

Headmaster's Quiz And PTA Social Year 8 Parents

Friday 23 September 7.00pm – 9.00pm

One of the COVID casualties last year was the Year 7 Parents’ Curry and Quiz Evening, so we are delighted to be able now to invite parents of pupils in Year 8 to our Quiz and Curry Evening, which will take place in the Refectory on Friday 23 September from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Tickets for the Parents’ Quiz are available on a first come, first served basis, including the curry supper, and are £10 per head. Payment for tickets will be charged to the Lent Term school fees.

The PTA will be running a pay bar and Mr Hester’s quiz will hopefully not be too testing! 

It should be a very enjoyable evening for all and enable you to meet and socialise with fellow parents, as well as some staff and members of the PTA.  

If you would like to reserve your place, and to enable us to plan our catering, please click here to complete and submit a brief form by 9.00am, Wednesday 21 September.

Year 8 Social

At the same time, there will also be a Year 8 Film Club organised by the PTA, staff and school prefects in the Sixth Form Centre. 

Tickets for the Year 8 Film are free of charge, but you do need to reserve a place; to do so, please follow the link above. Children can attend the Year 8 Film without their parents attending the Quiz, however parents are required to sign them in and sign them out. Drop off is at 7.00pm and collection no later than 9.00pm.

We recommend children bring approximately £3 pocket money with them to purchase drinks and treats. Children should have eaten their evening meal before attending. 

We very much hope you are able to attend and we look forward to seeing you on Friday 23 September.


Year 6 Science Investigators Workshop

Saturday 24 September 2022 - 9.30am to 2.00pm

If your son or daughter is a budding Scientist who loves getting hands-on with experiments, then sign them up for our Year 6 Science Investigators Workshop on Saturday 24 September.

Aimed at children in Year 6 who do not currently attend a Princethorpe Foundation School, the morning will involve a variety of fun, practical Science sessions, assisted by members of the Science Department and their Sixth Form helpers. There will also be time for a break including the legendary Princethorpe cookie. The morning will round off with our investigators re-joining their parents for a complimentary buffet lunch in the Refectory.

You can still attend if you have previously attended a Taster Day!

To book your place please click here

Crackley Hall Nursery, Reception And Year 3 Open Evening

Thursday 29 September 2022 - 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Crackley Hall School and Little Crackers Nursery in Kenilworth, are hosting a dedicated Nursery, Reception and Year 3 Open Evening on Thursday 29 September from 6.30pm.

This Open Evening is a dedicated evening for prospective families wishing to join Little Crackers Nursery, Reception or Junior 3 in September 2023 and beyond. 

The evening will be split into two sessions with the first session dedicated to those looking for Nursery and Reception places and the second session dedicated to those looking for Junior 3 places. This is a perfect opportunity to see the school and talk to key members of staff who will be teaching and supporting your child.  

To book your place please click here

If you can't make the Open Evening but would like to look around the school, you can now book a personal tour here or call our Registrar, Mrs Jenny Vaughan on 01926 514410 or email and come on a day to suit you.

For more information visit


OP's London Meet

Friday 30 September 2022 from 6.30pm

The Old Princethorpians' popular London Meet returns to Covent Garden this September. On this occasion we will be gathering upstairs in the stylish private Dining Room of The Marquess of Anglesey on Bow Street on Friday 30 September from 6.30pm.

The London Meets are always very sociable affairs, with OPs from across the generations mixing and networking happily together.
As ever the Old Princethorpians Committee will be laying on some delicious, complimentary food and of course a welcome drink or two for all those attending.

There is still time for OPs to book their place via Princethorpe Connect, to do so please visit this link by Wednesday 21 September

We’re really looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up!

Parents Reading Group

Wednesday 5 October - 7.00pm

It was good to welcome some fresh faces at the first meeting of our Parents’ Reading Group this year and there was plenty to discuss about our summer reads. All agreed that Foster by Claire Keegan was a highly sensitive and thought-provoking book. With great economy of style, Claire Keegan leads the reader into the heart of some of life’s unspoken tragedies through the story of a girl who is sent to live with relatives while her mother is having the next baby in her large brood. We also enjoyed Learning to Swim by Clare Chambers, but perhaps not quite as much as her previous Simple Pleasures. This was quite a light read for summer with some surprising twists and turns regarding the life of a bohemian family and the impact they have on a woman from a very different background. Ihimaera’s Whale Rider takes a bit of getting into perhaps but is a lyrical evocation of the lives and culture of the Maori community in New Zealand.

We will be meeting again in the library at 7.00pm on Wednesday 5 October. On this occasion we shall be discussing Fingersmith by Sarah Waters, which many might know from the TV series. Please do join us whether or not you have read this book. We are a friendly and unpretentious group who are always open to new reading suggestions.

Chris Kerrigan
Head of English

Crescent School Reception And Year 3 Open Evening

Tuesday 4 October 2022, 7.00pm to 8.00pm

The Crescent School, in Bilton, Rugby, is opening its doors for a dedicated Open Evening on Tuesday 4 October 2022 from 7.00pm.

This Open Evening is for prospective families wishing to join Reception or Year 3 in September 2023 and beyond.

There will also be opportunities to look around the school, visit specific year group and specialist classrooms, such as the Science Lab and IT Suite, as well as speak to key members of staff. Joe Thackway, Headmaster, will also be available to answer any of your questions you may have about the school.   

To book your place please click here.

If you can't make the Open Evening but would like to visit the school, you can now book a personal tour here, or please call our Registrar, Mrs Helen Morley on 01788 521595 or email and come on a day to suit you.

For more information visit