Sixth Form

Lower Sixth Form Social

The James Bond-themed Lower Sixth Form Social went off with a bang last Friday with the Lower Sixth enjoying a very well-deserved break from their studies.

The event was orchestrated and meticulously planned by Mrs Allen and the Social Prefects, Zoe Wallis and Amber Williams and I know, having spoken to many of the Sixth Form, that they were hugely grateful to everyone involved in making this event possible.

Ben Collie
Head of Sixth Form 



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Trinity Term - Sixth Form Update

The Lower Sixth have worked hard and completed a successful period of internal exams. They can look forward to a well-earned break over the half term holiday after which they should return ready to consolidate on their academic progress thus far and enjoy the remaining few weeks of term.

I particularly bring your attention to the Lower Sixth BBQ for parents and students on Tuesday 5 July from 5.00pm to 6.30pm, and look forward to seeing many of you then, if not before.

Lower Sixth Progress

Following the Lower Sixth exams, progress reports will be published on My School Portal on Friday 10 June 2022. Parents and students will then have the opportunity to speak to subject teachers at the Lower Sixth Parents’ Evening on Thursday 16 June 2022.

Parents of those students who the Sixth Form Leadership Team feel require extra support and guidance will be invited in for a Lower Sixth 360 Review on Monday 27 June 2022.

UCAS Offers
For advice on replying to university offers or anything careers related, please contact Mrs Quinney directly by email at

Lower Sixth Reminders

Pizza lunch - Friday 10 June

Lower Sixth TEFL Training Course - Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 June 2022, the cost is £175, which includes a certificate and course book.

Lower Sixth BBQ for parents and students - Tuesday 5 July 2022 from 5.00pm to 6.30pm 

Lower Sixth Trip to Alton Towers - Monday 4 July 2022

Key Dates

Click here to see Lower Sixth Key Dates

More details about specific events will be sent out to parents in due course.

If you have any general queries or concerns please contact your child’s Tutor in the first instance, or if relating to one of their subjects, please contact their subject teachers.

With best wishes for a relaxing and enjoyable half term break.

Ben Collie 
Head of Sixth Form