Sixth Form

Trinity Term - Sixth Form Update

Welcome back

I hope you all had a good Easter break and that the students have come back refreshed. This is of course a busy and important term. The Upper Sixth will be leaving us shortly to go on exam leave on Friday 13 May and the Lower Sixth have internal exams coming up which they also need to be preparing for plus various events and activities which we hope will be enjoyed by all.

It is great to see the new prefects and subject ambassadors taking up their positions this term, I am sure they will do you and themselves proud.

Summer Sixth Form Common Room

You may have noticed that in preparation for the public exams starting, our Summer Sixth Form Common Room is now in situ on the North Lawn. It will come into operation from Monday 16 May to Tuesday 28 June 2022 while the public exams are underway.

New picnic benches and a new outdoor tennis table will be provided for Sixth Form use and on Tuesday lunch-time a table tennis club will be offered to the Sixth Form by Mr Philips.

Upper Sixth – Sign up for Princethorpe Connect and OP Friendly Faces

In assembly this week the Development Team and Old Princethorpians shared information with the Upper Sixth about keeping in touch with the College and signing up to Princethorpe Connect, our online alumni community.  When signing up they will also be able to request an OP Friendly Face to help them with the transition to university. Please encourage your son/daughter to sign up, they will be entered into a prize draw if they do so by Monday 9 May and the Leavers’ Ball photos will be shared on the platform later in the summer. Parents who will be leaving us this year will also be invited to join the network.

Upper Sixth Leavers’ Ball
Coombe Abbey - Wednesday 29 June 2022 – 7.00pm to midnight.
Please check emails for the form coming out next week regarding the menu and seating plan.

Careers Update

Lower Sixth UCAS Information Evening

We hope parents found the Lower Sixth UCAS Information Evening helpful on Wednesday 27 April. The link to the recording can be found in the Careers section of The Flagpole. The Lower Sixth will have a similar presentation in school and the Lower Sixth will be having a specific UCAS Day on Tuesday 5 July 2022.

Lower Sixth Interview Skills Day – Wednesday 11 May

On Wednesday 11 May 2022 we have 20 employers coming into Princethorpe to put our Lower Sixth students through a mock interview. Students are currently writing their CVs which will be used during the 20-minute interview and will enable the interviewer to ask questions about their hopes for future careers, their hobbies, interests and achievements. They will also be critiqued on their appearance, how they project themselves and the CV itself. All I’m sure you’ll agree invaluable practice for university or employment interviews in the near future.

UCAS Offers
For advice on replying to university offers or anything careers related please contact Mrs Quinney directly by email at

Lower Sixth Progress

Following the Lower Sixth exams, progress reports will be published on My School Portal on Friday 10 June 2022. Parents and students will then have the opportunity to speak to subject teachers at the Lower Sixth Parents’ Evening on Thursday 16 June 2022.

Parents of those students who the Sixth Form Leadership Team feel require extra support and guidance will be invited in for a Lower Sixth 360 Review on Monday 27 June 2022.

Lower Sixth Reminders

Lower Sixth James Bond Social
Marquee North Lawn - Friday 20 May 2022 – 7.30pm to 10.00pm

Students can still sign up to this fun evening by contacting Mrs Allen by email at

Lower Sixth First Aid Training Course - Saturday 7 May 2022 – there are still places available, the cost is £65.

Lower Sixth TEFL Training Course - Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 June 2022, the cost is £175, which includes a certificate and course book.

If you would like your child to sign up for either the First Aid or TEFL course, please click here.

Lower Sixth Trip to Alton Towers

Monday 4 July 2022 – an Evolve email has been sent out this week, please confirm via the form if your son/daughter would like to attend.

Key Dates

Click here to see Lower Sixth Key Dates

Click here to see Upper Sixth Key Dates

More details about specific events will be sent out to parents in due course.

If you have any general queries or concerns please contact your child’s Tutor in the first instance or if relating to one of their subjects, please contact their subject teachers.

With best wishes for the term ahead.

Ben Collie 
Head of Sixth Form 


Lower Sixth Parking

Members of the Lower Sixth will be able to park at school from Monday 6 June 2022.

To receive permission the Sixth Former must:

  • have the consent of their parents and the Head of Sixth Form
  • provide their full driving licence and their current insurance certificate and photocopies
  • agree to abide by the required Code of Conduct

There is an administration fee of £30 for the provision of a parking permit which provides access to parking, an electronic fob and a parking permit until the end of Upper Sixth. The charge for lost fobs is £18 and for lost discs £2.  Please note that there will be a refund of £10 for electronic fobs returned to the School Shop at the end of Upper Sixth.

Please note that there is a limit to the number of parking permits that can be issued.  Permits are issued on a first-come first-served basis but only where the requirements detailed above are met in full.

The forms to apply for a permit are available from the Sixth From Administrators in the Sixth Form Resource Centre. When completed, including the signature of a parent and the Head of Sixth Form, the Sixth Former should take them, together with their full driving licence, (both the card and the paper section - if applicable) and current insurance certificate, plus photocopies, to the School Shop.

Members of the Lower Sixth are welcome to provide the paperwork to the School Shop from the 23 May 2022 but permits will only be issued from Monday 6 June.

If the contract is broken then the permission to drive to school will be withdrawn by the school.  Please note that Sixth Formers park at their own risk and that the school does not accept liability for accidents, damage or loss incurred.

Please note that if a Sixth Former drives to school without a permit they will be given a warning on the first occasion and will be denied parking on the second occasion.  We would appreciate the support of parents in this matter, this is so we can discharge our responsibilities to everyone on school premises as well as to individual drivers.

Eddie Tolcher
Foundation Bursar 

Upper Sixth Leavers' Ball and Lower Sixth Formal Social - Reminder

We are delighted to confirm the dates for the end of year celebrations:

Friday 20 May 2022 Lower Sixth Social - James Bond theme, Sixth Form Centre

Wednesday 29 June 2022 Upper Sixth Leavers' Ball - Coombe Abbey






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