
Year 9 And Lower Sixth Full Reports - Reminder

Reports for Year 9 and Lower Sixth will be published today, Friday 25 June 2021, and will be available to view on My School Portal.

Dr Michael Reddish
Deputy Head - Academic

The Hildegard Awards

It is time again for our prestigious Hildegard Awards to be presented to our pupils to celebrate academic endeavour and attainment. Pupils are nominated by their subject teachers for their effort and progress in the classroom.  St Hildegard was a 12th century Benedictine abbess who was regarded as a person of wide knowledge and learning. She left a huge legacy of writing, music, Christian works and was a true polymath. The pupils who receive these awards are congratulated for their endeavours and progress in this spirit.

Good luck to all and congratulations to those pupils who receive their certificates.

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head - Teaching and Learning

Public Exam Results

The government has confirmed that exam results will be published on the following days:

  • Tuesday 10 August 2021 – A-level and AS results
  • Thursday 12 August 2021 – GCSE and Latin L1 and L2 results

Please rest assured that we plan to be in school to support pupils in the usual ways – pastorally, academically and offering careers advice. We will release precise details of how the Results Days will work nearer the time when we know the current government guidelines but please make sure to protect the dates in your diary.

Dr Michael Reddish
Deputy Head - Academic