Learning In Action

Ed's Excellent Practical Application Of DT Skills

Year 8, Ed Twyman's DT Teacher, Tom Walton, and Form Tutor, Will Bower, have both been very impressed by Ed's practical application of his DT skills during the the lockdown.

Together with his father, Ed built a skateboard ramp, following a design and build video he found on You Tube. They sourced materials, then shared the cutting, drilling and joining tasks 50:50, but Ed did all the measuring and marking out himself. Although the design looks quite simple there are a number of places where there's not much margin for error and Ed's father was very impressed with how accurate his measuring was.

Then as a second challenge Ed got involved with sewing much needed scrubs. He was provided with fabric and a pattern by a member his local village sewing group who was coordinating their local effort. He then used instructional videos on You Tube to work out how to sew the scrubs together.

It is fantastic to see Ed's skills put into practical application and we are very impressed by the results of both projects.

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Bea's Food Glorious Food

Art Teacher, Sue Harris, is very pleased with Bea Boakes' latest submission. All Mrs Harris' Year 8 artists have been busy working on the Food Glorious Food topic and Bea's oustanding work really caught Mrs Harris' eye.

A super piece of work. Well done Bea.

Year 9 Food Glorious Food

Art Teacher, Rebecca Blunsom-Washbrook's Year 9 pupils have been enjoying working on the Food Glorious Food Project this term. Their submissions have been excellent and have really impressed Mrs Blunsom-Washbrook.

Evie Teall has been awarded a Da Vinci merit for her realistic drawings of a coke can and a M&M's packet. Evie has been incredibly motivated even though she has been working from home and her work has been really pleasing.

Joseph Newborough is also awarded a Da Vinci for his accomplished drawing, it is a stunning composition with such a realistic presence on the page.

Well done to all of the following pupils, whose work can be viewed in the Gallery.

Evie Teall
Joseph Newborough
Toby Convey
Dina Parmenter
Natalya Elden
Charlotte Lewington
Mary-Ellen Boyle
Emily Andrews

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Izzy Wright's Robot Cake

DT Teacher, Tom Walton awarded Year 9, Izzy Wright a Da Vinci merit for her fantastic robot cake. Izzy decided to go ahead and make the cake after completing research tasks in her lessons. It was, reportedly, very yummy. Well done Izzy, it really looks amazing!

Amelie Achieves A Perfect Score

English Teacher, Lisa Challinor, was very impressesd with Year 10 Amelie Friess' recent assessment commenting, "Amelie achieved a rare perfect score achieving all 45 marks available for the GCSE response. Amelie writes with a very sharply-observed and entertaining style as she constructs an article focused on how these times bring out the best and the worst in people. The quality of expression, tone and clarity of voice (written in exam conditions) is thoroughly impressive and in my view, of publishable quality."

Her exceptional written response can be read here.


Year 11 EPQ Bridging Course

English Teacher, and EPQ Co-ordinator, Helen Pascoe-Williams has been delighted with the submissions she has been receiving from Year 11 pupils completing the EPQ Bridging Course. 

She explains, "There are 175 Year 11 pupils in the EPQ Bridging Team. They are using this period of lockdown to get ahead of the game in the EPQ course and make a serious start on researching Project proposals. The students have engaged brilliantly in the course so far. They have completed weekly tasks which familiarise them with what an Extended Project involves, how they are structured and what a good one looks like. They have explored topics they are interested in, found a variety of different sources and taken their first steps in project management. I have been very impressed by the standard and detail of the work they have been submitting."

Here are some excellent examples:

Jack Scott

James Clifford

Molly Minshull

Joe England

Ethan Smith

Remo Volpe

Archie Shields

Ciaran Smith

Seb Dibb

Liv's Little Stitches

DT Teacher, Miranda Porter, has been very impressed by Year 7, Liv Fox.

Liv has started her own enterprise 'Liv's Little Stitches' and has been making masks for her family, friends and neighbours.  

Mrs Porter said, "Liv is very industrious, her masks are absolutely gorgeous. She is setting herself up as a business, it's early days, but she is working on her logo and slogan and thinking about her packaging and how she can promote her products. Such enterprise!"

Well done Liv.