
A-level And GCSE Exam Results

Timings for results days for Upper Sixth and Year 11 pupils are given below. All other year group pupils will be able to view their results on the pupil portal and written confirmation will be sent through the post. Please note: Results cannot be given out over the phone.

Exam results will appear on the pupil portal. For parents to see this information on the parent portal, pupils need to enable access. Instructions on how to do this are in the candidate handbook for written exams, for a copy of the relevant page click here. Login details for the pupil portal are the same as those used to login to the school computer network.

If a third party (e.g. parent, relative, friend) is collecting exam results, the pupil must notify the examinations office in writing before the end of term, giving the full name and address of the person collecting the results. Photographic proof of ID will be required on results day. Pupils can email me the details, this must be from their school email address, to: or by completing the attached form and bringing it to Room S38.

Upper Sixth A-level results – 16 August 2018: School opens at 7.00am. Results will be published to the portals at 9.00am.

Year 11 GCSE results – 23 August 2018: School opens at 9.00am. Results will be published to the portals at 10.00am.

Mrs Shellagh Dodds
Examinations Officer


Internal Exams Week, 11 June 2018 - Years 7, 8, 9, 10 And Lower Sixth - Reminder

Years 7 to 10 and Lower Sixth have their end-of-year exams in the week beginning 11 June 2018.

Lower Sixth students will sit internal exams in all of their subjects. These end of year exams are opportunities for the students to test their knowledge and exam technique. These exams will play an important part in teachers’ determination of the predicted grades which are included in applications to university, and also in the wider picture of a student’s progress which will be considered when advising on the suitability of next steps in the Upper Sixth. Any notable achievements in these exams will also of course be celebrated in the school’s UCAS references.

The normal teaching timetable for Years 7-10 and the Lower Sixth for that week will be suspended for the whole week in order for the exams to run. Pupils will have a busy programme of assessments and exams so sensible revision can begin now.  A draft timetable for each year can be found below so that they can plan their time.  Pupils with access arrangements will be advised of specific arrangements. Lower Sixth students are expected to come into school during that week and they are welcome to use the Sixth Form Resource Centre or Common Room to engage in revision and private study. Both of those areas will be silent study areas as the Sixth Form Centre itself is going to be given over to hosting examinations.

All Year 7-10 pupils will have slots throughout the week when they can revise silently for papers later that day or later in the week.  They should therefore make sure they have with them each day the relevant materials they wish to revise from.  It is also a good idea to have a private reading book with them, although the time allocated to exams should only be used for the paper itself.

Teachers will give guidance to their classes about what to revise and what the nature of the exam will be.  

We look forward to sharing with you how your child has done in our exam reports later this term. If you have any questions about Exams Week, do please contact us.

Year 7 Timetable

Year 8 Timetable

Year 9 Timetable

Year 10 Timetable

Year 11 Timetable

L6 Timetable

Dr Digby Carrington-Howell
Deputy Head - Staffing and Assessment

Dr Michael Reddish
Assistant Head - Director of Studies 

Year 11 Textbook Return Summer 2018 - Reminder

Pupils and parents are reminded that the Textbook Return Forms, which are available to download here, are due to be completed and returned by Friday 22 June 2018.

Books should be handed to a member of staff from the relevant department with staff signing the form to confirm receipt of the correct number of books.

If a textbook has been lost, ‘LOST’ should be entered in the staff signature column on the Return Form and a charge will be made for this book. When all subjects are complete, pupils should take the form to their Head of House to sign off. Any incomplete or unreturned forms will result a charge for unreturned books.