
Duke Of Edinburgh Gold Award - Practice Expedition

The Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Practice Expedition is fast approaching.  Please arrive in the sports hall by 12.00pm on Friday 13 April 2018 in order to meet your expedition leader, complete kit checks and prepare to depart.  Pupils will return on Monday 16 April at 8.00pm.

Regarding kit, please keep an eye on the weather forecast, you might find the following links useful in helping you to make good decisions.  

The group kit will be provided on the day, as will any kit you have requested to borrow.

Please note the school will not make claims for items such as laptops, PDAs, smartphones and cameras and other expensive personal possessions and other expensive personal possessions under the travel insurance as we wish to maintain our claim record. Parents should ensure that personal possessions are covered through their own insurance.

For news, updates will be provided via the @PC_DofE twitter page.

As a final reminder, the Expedition Review and Qualifying Route Planning takes place on Friday 27 April 4.00pm - 7.00pm.

I look forward to the upcoming trip.

Will Bower
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Manager

Duke Of Edinburgh Silver Award - Practice Expedition

The Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award Practice Expedition is fast approaching.   Please arrive in the sports hall by 4.00pm on Saturday 14 April 2018 in order to meet your expedition leader, complete kit checks and prepare to depart.  Pupils will return on Monday 16 April 2018 at 7.00pm.

Some of you have ordered equipment to be borrowed, and this has been distributed in school. If you did not collect your kit, you need to make arrangements to do so with Mr Bower as soon as possible. For any other kit, you might find the following links useful in helping you to make good decisions.  

Group kit: tents, stoves and fuel will be provided at the campsite in the Peak District. 

Food: As a final reminder participants are expected to bring two breakfast, lunch and evening meals to cover their trip plus snacks.  Outdoor cooking is part of the challenge, please bring appropriate meals.

Mobile Phones: The use of mobile phones on the expedition is only permitted in the case of an emergency.  Phones will be sealed in a plastic bag for the duration of the trip.  I am sure you will agree that this measure significantly adds to the sense of adventure and independence the expedition fosters.  For news, updates will be provided on the @PC_DofE twitter page.

Please note the school will not make claims for items such as laptops, PDAs, smartphones and cameras and other expensive personal possessions and other expensive personal possessions under the travel insurance as we wish to maintain our claim record. Parents should ensure that personal possessions are covered through their own insurance.

As a final reminder for future expedition dates, the Expedition Review and Qualifying Route Planning takes place on Friday 27 April 2018 4.00pm - 7.00pm, and the Qualifying Expedition is Saturday 30 June, departing at 6.30am and returning Monday 2 July at 6.00pm.

Wishing you a relaxing holiday and a Happy Easter.

Miss Landon
Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award Co-ordinator

Duke Of Edinburgh Bronze Award - Practice Expedition

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Practice Expeditions are fast approaching.  I do hope that your son/ daughter has passed on the information discussed in our meeting last week.

Group A
Saturday 21 April 2018 9.00am – Sunday 22 April 2018 4.00pm

Group B
Saturday 28 April 2018 9.00am – Sunday 29 April 2018 4.00pm

The following should clarify a few things: 

  1. Please arrive in the sports hall for 9.00am to meet your instructor
  2. The group and individual kit being borrowed will be handed out
  3. Instructors and Princethorpe staff will spend time with you helping you to pack your bag
    (There will be plenty of time to get things organised. Those borrowing rucksacks should please bring your personal equipment and food in waterproof bags, ready to be transferred into your rucksack.)
  4. Pupils will then head out on their routes, initially with direct supervision
  5. Pupils will return on Sunday 22 April by 4.00pm, some groups may finish a little earlier

Food wise you will need 1 breakfast, 1 evening meal, 2 lunches and snacks.  You might find the following links help you to make good decisions regarding kit:

Please note the school will not make claims for items such as laptops, PDAs, smartphones and cameras and other expensive personal possessions and other expensive personal possessions under the travel insurance as we wish to maintain our claim record. Parents should ensure that personal possessions are covered through their own insurance.

The use of mobile phones on the expedition is only permitted in the case of an emergency.  Phones will be sealed in a plastic bag for the duration of the trip.  I am sure you will agree that this measure significantly adds to the sense of adventure and independence the expedition fosters.  News and updates will be provided on the @PC_DofE twitter page.

As a final reminder, the Expedition Review and Qualifying Route Planning takes place on Thursday 17 May 2018 4.00pm – 7.00pm.  Pupils must wear school uniform and food will be provided.

I do hope this helps with your planning, I very much look forward to the expeditions.

Mrs Jan Ryalls
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award Co-ordinator