

During November, Remembrance Assemblies are held for each house. This year these assemblies will focus on remembering and how we make memories.

As well as commemorating all those who fought and served in the two World Wars and other conflicts, everyone is invited to write down the name(s) of a special person or people in their lives who they wish to remember particularly at this time.

These confidential cards are put in a basket on the main College Chapel altar where they are a focus for prayer during November.

Mary Benham
Chaplaincy Co-ordinator

Child Safety Online

Child safety online is at the forefront of every parent's mind.  I attach here a leaflet which may assist you in understanding the risks children may need to deal with and how this could affect them.  It also offers practical tips to help minimise the risks your child might face and the importance of continually talking to your child about the implications of social media.  I hope that you find it useful.  As always, if you have any concerns, please do contact me or your child's Head of House.

Mrs Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head, Pastoral

Advice About Head Lice

Just a gentle reminder that we have had a couple of cases of head lice at school, please check your children's hair and treat as necessary. We recommend that long hair is tied back to prevent them spreading so easily.

Many thanks

Paula Greig
Senior Matron