With the Easter holidays upon us and the clocks going forward next Sunday, it feels like spring has really sprung.

Our 2023-2024 Sixth Form Prefects and Ambassadors have now completed their term of office and we extend warm thanks to them. We marked the inauguration of our new prefect body today.

We wish everyone a productive Easter break and look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday 15 April for the start of the Trinity Term. Watch out for the next edition of the Flagpole on Friday 19 April.


Headmaster's Message

Message From The Headmaster

And just like that, another term ends. Lent is a lot shorter than Michaelmas, however, this is not reflected in the business of all that has happened during the last ten school weeks. Last Friday saw the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Jules Chevallier, founder of the MSCs, the religious order who established Princethorpe College in 1966. It involved a week of various activities, culminating in birthday cake as all good celebrations should do. Remembering our history and the values that form our Foundation, is massively important to ensure the Princethorpe ethos remains as strong as ever.

Our new Admissions cycle for 2025 entry to the College starts after Easter, following one of the biggest Admission seasons to date. Our new Year 7 cohort for September 2024 is a very exciting and strong group of young people and offers to external Sixth Form candidates are more than double compared to previous years. Our reputation as a school where every child is valued, encouraged, and challenged, is clearly resonating with people outside of the Princethorpe family. Every visitor and prospective pupil comments on how impressed they are with our pupils. The time spent with Sixth Form tour guides remains the highlight when prospective families visit, as it provides a window on the diverse, individual stories of each pupil at the College. Our pupils are incredible, and others want to be part of that.

The last progress evenings for Year 11 and Upper Sixth took place this half term and they are now firmly focused on their final external exams after Easter. There has been a real change in the atmosphere as our pupils set their sights on the results they hope to achieve. Clinics, drop-ins, workspaces, and homework clubs have all been buzzing as the term drew to a close. We wish them all the best with their preparations during the Easter holiday – remember, make every day count!

Everything that happens at Princethorpe would not be possible without the dedication and hard work of my colleagues. They genuinely go above and beyond to ensure the best experience for our pupils. All our staff deserve a massive thank you and well-earned rest. This term we are saying goodbye to Mr Alan Harris and Dr Dominic Phelps. Mr Harris leaves us after a year of maternity cover where he has become part of the school community and I know pupils will miss his positive approach in Maths. Dr Phelps is off to Wales to be with his family, and he goes with our blessing as a weekly commute up and down the M5 is never easy. However, his impact in the classroom and on the hockey pitch will be missed as he has made a difference to so many in our community. To both these colleagues, thank you and all the best for the future.

When we start the Trinity Term, it is a good opportunity to reset and return to the habits that ensure a positive experience for everyone at the College. Can I request pupils return with the correct uniform and positive approach to standards. We will continue pushing manners and making sure teaching and learning is front and centre of what we do. The rest of the school will be preparing for their internal exam week which is also important. Taking stock of progress and setting targets for moving forward resonates with our feedback and response agenda that we have developed throughout the year. I would also like to remind parents of my letter about your child’s safety when they step into social situations. The holidays create opportunities where young people do sometimes make bad decisions. The number one thing for us is that they stay safe. Do have those conversations with your child as is relevant and appropriate.

I would like to issue another quick plea for host families who can look after some of the Dutch hockey players coming to Princethorpe after Easter. If you have the ability to host two (or more) pupils for a few nights, do contact Mr McCollin who would be very keen to hear from you.

Finally, may I end by wishing every family a blessed and peaceful Easter. The themes of forgiveness, life, and hope are very necessary in our society. I wish I could bottle the good that happens at Princethorpe, through the living out of our values, and share it in the world beyond the bottom of our drive. I hope all of our community have time to get off the treadmill and reflect on what has been an inspiring term at the College. Rest is deserved and I look forward to welcoming everyone back after the holidays.

With my very best wishes,

Grove du Toit


2025 Princethorpe Admissions Cycle Commences

As Princethorpe looks forward to welcoming its new pupils to the College in September, the Admissions Team has now turned its attention to entry for 2025.

Entrance Examinations, for entry to the school in September 2025, will take place on Saturday 9 November 2024 and we are already busy accepting registrations.

For 2025 entry there are a range of scholarships available for particularly able or talented candidates, from Academic, Art and Performing Arts (Choral, Drama, Music, Musical Theatre including Dance) to Sport.

In addition, exceptional candidates who are both academically able and gifted and talented across a number of areas may be considered for an All-Rounder Scholarship, which would be awarded at the discretion of the Headmaster. Means-tested Bursaries are also available, along with The Thomas More Scholarship a means-tested scholarship for Catholic children, who attend a Catholic state primary school.

There are plenty of opportunities for prospective pupils and their parents to visit the College before the Entrance Exams take place; including the Year 5 Taster Day for Crackley pupils on Tuesday 30 April, our Open Morning in April, Summer Open Evening in June and Open Afternoon in September.

Comments Melanie Butler, Assistant Head, Marketing, Admissions and Communications, "Parents and pupils will have plenty of time to prepare and opportunities to visit the College in the run up to the registration deadline on Friday 27 September."

Following the Entrance Exams, offer letters will be sent out on Thursday 28 November 2024 and the acceptance deadlines will be Monday 9 December 2024 for Years 8, 9 and 10 and Tuesday 4 March 2025 for Year 7. The acceptance deadline for Year 7 places is, by a nationally agreed code of practice, the same for all independent schools, allowing parents and children time to review all their options, including those from the maintained sector, before making a final decision.

To download a copy of our new 2025 Admissions and Entrance Examinations Booklet click here.

If you have any questions about the admissions process please contact the Registrar, Catherine Rogers and Assistant Registrar, Marie Holt, on 01926 634201/297 or email admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.

To read the latest edition of the Princethorpe Admissions Update newsletter click here.

Inauguration Ceremony Welcomes New Princethorpe Prefect Body

The new Princethorpe College Prefect Body for 2024-2025 was formally inaugurated into office at an end of term ceremony on Friday 22 March. Parents of the new prefects were invited to College to watch the afternoon’s formal ceremony.

Head of Sixth Form, Ben Collie, introduced the incoming prefects who were presented with their prefect badges by Grove du Toit, Headmaster. Outgoing Heads of School, Natalya Elden and Izzy Wright, formally handed over the keys of office to the incoming Heads of School, Seb Bainbridge and Megan Shipton. 

Mr du Toit took inspiration from the gospel as he shared his thoughts on the importance of leadership and the qualities of a good leader. 

The College extends warm thanks to the outgoing prefect body and subject ambassadors for all their hard work and unstinting service this last year.

We wish the new prefects well as they take up their duties.

The full list of appointments can be found here.

Princethorpe Marks The Bi-Centenary Of Jules Chevalier's Birth

Princethorpe College has been marking the bi-centenary of the birth of Jules Chevalier MSC, founder of the religious order that established Princethorpe College. Across the school, pupils and staff have taken part in special assemblies, activities and themed lessons to remember and celebrate his legacy.

Foundation Principal, Ed Hester and Fr Alan Whelan MSC led assemblies sharing the history of the formation of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) and Chevalier’s enduring message of ‘Love One Another’ (John 13:34). At the end of the assembly Fr Alan introduced pupils to a new prayer, that will be a focus for our Eucharist in the Trinity Term.

Across their lessons, pupils have explored the legacy of the MSCs and Jules Chevalier’s message of love in many different ways: writing letters to pen pals at fellow MSC schools in English, planning journeys to and exploring the site of Issoudon (where the MSCs were first founded) in Geography, creating ‘This Is Your Life’ posters and booklets on Jules Chevalier in History, exploring and celebrating the number 200 in Maths, designing and making hearts and crosses or producing French food in DT, producing fact files and completing comprehension tasks on Jules Chevalier in MFL, reflecting on the work of the MSCs in RS and adding Jules Chevalier’s birth date to timelines of the universe in Science.

Pupils in Years 7 and 8 have also completed a ‘What will you put your heart into’ activity with the Chaplaincy team and their ideas are now on display outside the Chapel. Along the Cloister Corridor there is an exhibition of archive material, showing the history of the College and its longstanding connections to the MSCs.

Then to officially mark the bi-centenary, on Friday 15 March, Jules Chevalier’s birth date, the whole school community enjoyed a slice of cake.

Jules Chevalier’s message of love continues to inspire our community’s ethos and values and remains at the heart of all we do.

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Smallholding Project Planned For Princethorpe

I am thrilled to share with you an exciting new initiative that is taking root within our school community: the Smallholding Project. As Development Director, it is my pleasure to introduce this transformative project, which promises to enrich the educational experience of our pupils and wider community and strengthen our connection to the land.

What exactly is a smallholding? Simply put, it is a small-scale farm located on our school grounds, designed to provide hands-on learning opportunities in agriculture, environmental science, and sustainability. Picture our pupils actively tending to crops, caring for animals, and immersing themselves in the wonders of nature right here at Princethorpe.

At the heart of this project lies our commitment to experiential learning and holistic education. By engaging pupils in the cultivation of crops and the care of animals, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of where our food comes from and the importance of sustainable farming practices. Moreover, the smallholding will serve as an outdoor classroom, offering endless opportunities for exploration, discovery, and hands-on learning.

One of the most exciting aspects of the Smallholding Project is its integration with our current curriculum. Subjects such as Sciences, Geography, Food Technology and Business Studies will have the opportunity to utilise the smallholding as an outdoor classroom, thereby providing tangible, real-world applications for classroom learning. Additionally, we are exploring the potential for new courses in the future, which will further enrich our educational offerings and provide our pupils with unparalleled learning experiences.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the success of the Smallholding Project hinges on the collective support of our community. While we have made significant strides, we are still in need of additional support to bring this vision to fruition. Every contribution plays an invaluable role in propelling this initiative forward.

As we embark on this exciting journey, I extend a heartfelt invitation to each and every one of you to join us in cultivating growth and nurturing the next generation of stewards of the land. Together, let us sow the seeds of knowledge, curiosity, and community spirit, as we cultivate a brighter future for our school, our Foundation, and our planet.

You can support the Smallholding project here

Steve Kowal
Development Director

Mr Darkes Teaches In The New Science Centre

Foundation Assistant Head, Alex Darkes ventured into the classroom for probably the last time on Wednesday 20 March when he took over Deputy Head (Academic), Michael Spencer’s Year 10 Physics lesson on electricity. Alex was the Foundation’s lead on the College’s new Science Centre. Taking it from concept through design and construction and all the way to the official handover at the start of this school year. As a Physics teacher himself, it seemed only fitting that before he retires, he had the chance to teach in one of the new Physics laboratories and inspire the latest generation of Princethorpians with his love of physics and science.

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Grace Earns The College Its Best Ever Finish At National Cross Country Championships

On Saturday 16 March, three Princethorpe College runners competed for Warwickshire against hundreds of runners in the English Schools Cross Country Championships at Pontefract Racecourse. Competing against county teams from across the country on a fast, undulating and muddy course, the pupils all ran superbly for the county team.

Representing Warwickshire from Princethorpe were Grace Darcy in the U18 Senior Girls, Ben Smith in the U18 Senior Boys, and Will Smith in the U14 Junior Boys. Taking part were hundreds of competitors, the best school athletes from across the country.

Upper Sixth Former, Grace Darcy finished in 52nd place, the best ever result in the College’s history at this event and a brilliant reward for her efforts in the sport.

Head of Outdoor Learning, Will Bower, said, “Grace has done a fantastic job as Cross Country Captain this year. Over the last seven years she has been the most loyal servant to Princethorpe College running: intelligent, kind and nurturing, determined and disciplined Grace combines this with excelling in so many other areas in and outside of school. Her commitment is outstanding, and she has been a driving force behind the most successful period of results in cross country in the schools’ history.”

Lower Sixth Former, Ben Smith, finished 136th, and Year 9, Will Smith 259th.

Will Bower, continued, “A huge well done to them all, on a really fantastic effort at a prestigious event.”

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U13 Netballers Are Runners Up At The ISA Netball Nationals

The U13 Netball Girls have made excellent progress this year. March has been a busy month for netball, with the team finishing as runners up in the Midlands ISA Tournament just last week. That qualified the girls for the ISA Netball Nationals which took place on Wednesday 20 March at King’s High School.

24 teams had qualified for the Nationals and Princethorpe’s girls were superb. They played with resilience, pace and passion, earning praise from their coach. After the tournament, Head of Girls’ Games, Carly Walton, said, "We could not be prouder of how hard these girls have worked this season and of their achievement today. We had an incredible day of netball. Finishing as runners up nationally is a superb result. Congratulations to them all."

The girls finished top of the table in the Group stage after a run of super results. After warming up with a 4-4 draw against Holme Grange School, the girls’ confidence and the scorelines just grew and grew. They beat Ipswich High School 8-5, Shoreham College 11-3, Abbot’s Hill School 10-9 and Abbey Gate College 15-3.

That took them through to the Cup where the team confidently saw off Lingfield College 15-4 in the semi-final. They faced Scarisbrick Hall in the final, who were a much tougher test. It was a very tight match where despite their determination, it wasn’t to be. The girls came away as runners up bringing home the Silver medal.


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Princethorpe Shines The Spotlight On Science

Princethorpe College took part in British Science Week, a national celebration of Science run by the British Science Association. Pupils enjoyed entertaining and interesting activities designed to highlight the importance of Science and inspire and engage the next generation of scientists.

Pupils in Year’s 7 and 8 took on Biology, Chemistry and Physics challenges in their Science lessons, getting hands on with experiments to explore this year’s Science Week theme of 'Time'. They created timelines of the universe in Physics, tested for blood sugar in Biology and completed with great success the iodine clock reaction in Chemistry.

Comments, Head of Science, Emma Cooper, "British Science Week really allowed us to shine a spotlight on Science and provide a platform to engage pupils."

It was marvellous to be able to celebrate British Science Week in the College’s fantastic new Science Centre that opened at the start of this school year.

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New Solar/Wind Powered Defib Installed On Sports Fields

Princethorpe College is leading the way in pupil and community medical emergency safety as well as sustainable thinking, by installing a wind and solar powered defib and bleed control cabinet out on the College’s sports fields.

The College has partnered with the OurJay Foundation – which fundraises and campaigns for publicly accessible defibrillators and trains and educates on CPR and the use of defibs, local company Share Haulage Ltd and the school’s Princethorpe PTA, who have each funded one-third of the costs. The emergency medical equipment will serve the local community and the school and has been provided by Turtle Engineering Ltd.

Grove du Toit, Headmaster at Princethorpe College, said: “It’s a real honour to be leading the way on the installation of this new defib technology. We understand that the first seven minutes are crucial when dealing with a cardiac arrest, so having the equipment close to hand and easily accessible to both our pupils and the public will be a major factor in potentially saving lives.”

You can read the full story on our website here.

1st XI Football Team Just Miss A Place In The ISFA U18 Trophy National Final

Although the result did not go their way, we could not be any prouder of our 1st XI Football team who have had an incredible season. Their progression through the ISFA U18 Trophy has been fantastic to watch and culminated in a nail-biting semi-final against The Grammar School at Leeds on Saturday 9 March. 

Despite plenty of exciting play, excellent goals from Alastair Forinton and Luc Sen-Gupta, coming from behind to at one point lead 2-1, the match eventually finished as a draw. Extra time proved a very cagey affair, so the game went penalties where cruelly the Princethorpe boys did not come out on top.

To reach the last four in the country in this competition is a truly outstanding feat, and a testament to the hard work and commitment this team has shown this season. Well done to each and every player, we could not have asked for any more from you. 

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World Book Day Winners

On Thursday 7 March, staff and pupils had a great time celebrating World Book Day. One of the English department and Library's highlights of the year, it is always a great opportunity to share the joy of books.

Across school, we had World Book Day activities taking place, with the Library running events all week. Pupils had three competitions to enjoy, as well as a free book give-aways and a host of other fun activities for pupils to enjoy. The three competitions ran throughout the week.

Murder In The Library involved pupils solving the clues to work out which book characters were involved – who was the victim, who was the witness, what was the murder weapon and most importantly who did it?  Isaac in Year 8 successfully solved the clues and added a mini story of why this dastardly deed happened. George, also Year 8, was the runner up again solving the clues and using his imagination to create a motive.

There was a Treasure Hunt which took place around the Library, pupils had to follow the clues and answer questions as they went along. Year 7, Emilia Novissimo-Richards was the only one to get everything correct. Finally, College staff were wearing badges all week which promoted books, pupils had to go round and list as many they could fine. The winner was, Year 7, Isla Chadwick with an amazing 40 badges. 

Each competition winner received a £10 Amazon gift card and a brand new book of their choice, with the runner up receiving a book. These were presented, along with a certificate by Mr du Toit.

Across school, in lessons, staff and pupils made time to talk about and read books. Year 7 and 8 enjoyed themed science lessons recreating practical experiments based on Roald Dahl’s famous book George’s Marvellous Medicine. English had pupils creating ‘Shelfie Selfies’ generating lots of discussion about both the books pupils had read and the books they wanted to read. In Geography lessons pupils explored travel books, creating their own amazing descriptive travel write ups. In MFL, pupils translated or matched children's book titles while in Textiles, Year 7 discussed each other's books while working on their felt hats. Then in the Food Technology suite Ms Scott made Guernsey Literary Society Potato and Leek soup for staff to enjoy.

Princethorpe certainly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day.

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Drama Department Present Their Practical Pieces

The Drama department proudly presented their Key Stage 4 and 5 exam and NEA work to a packed audience on Tuesday 5 March.

Pupils delivered a variety of scripted and devised work for family and friends and received perceptive feedback on their performance work. A wide range of plays were covered by pupils in Year 11 and the Upper Sixth, from Phil Porter's black comedy Blink to Sarah Kane's bleak and brutal 4.48 Psychosis. While Year 10 and the Lower Sixth's pieces were contemplative and provocative - inspired by the crisis in the NHS and the notion of 'Memento Mori'.

Mrs Cefaliello and Miss Roberts wish pupils all the luck as they perform their final practical pieces for examiners.

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Staff Take On Leavers In Friendly Netball Matches

After school on Tuesday, our Upper Sixth Leavers took on staff teams in friendly netball matches. It was a great way to celebrate the students' time at the College and to see just how good the coaching staff are. Staff from across the school took part including Mr du Toit, Mrs Sharpe and Mr Spencer as well as Games legends Mr McCollin, Mr Cassell, Mr Jackson and Miss Walton.

It was all great fun, played with fabulous competitive spirit and a great atmosphere amongst the supporters courtside. Our Upper Sixth leavers came away with two well earned victories, the 1st team edging ahead just when it counted to win 19-18, the 2nd team winning comfortably 16-13.

We look forward to welcoming our Leavers back for more friendly competitive sport at our OP vs College Sports Day which will take place this year on Saturday 31 August.

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The Croft Were High 5 Netball Champions

The College welcomed nine Warwickshire primary school teams to Princethorpe’s High 5 Netball Tournament on Tuesday 5 March. Playing were teams from Barford St Peters CE Primary School, Claverdon Primary School, Milverton Primary School, Grange Farm Primary School, St Marys Catholic School, Cawston Grange Primary School and The Croft Prep School.

The competition took place in warm spring sunshine outside on netball courts and the teams had the chance to test their skills against their opponents in a round robin of matches playing to England Netball High 5 netball rules; a popular entry format of the traditional game that has players rotating positions and ensures the ball keeps moving. With vocal support from parents on the side-lines, the children threw themselves enthusiastically into the matches clearly enjoying the competitive nature of the tournament.

Umpired by Princethorpe’s Sports Leaders and staff, you could see the children’s skills developing game by game as they gained match experience and took on board feedback and suggestions.

Congratulations to The Croft who were the overall winners of the tournament. Well done also to Milverton and Grange Farm who came second and third.

Acting Primary Schools Sports Liaison, Ellie Callan, said, “It was great to welcome all the teams to Princethorpe and to be able to offer these young players the chance to play in a fun and friendly netball tournament. All the pupils were so enthusiastic; I saw great ball work, tremendous teamwork and plenty of energy on the courts today.”

A huge well done to all the players and many thanks to the College pupils and staff who organised and officiated all the games.

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Princethorpe College - Spring Open Morning

Thursday 18 April 2024 10.30am to 12.30pm

The College's Spring Open Morning will give prospective families a chance to visit the school on a normal working day, with Year 8 and 9 pupils acting as tour guides. The Leadership and Admissions Teams will be available to answer any questions visitors might have. Light refreshments will be available.

All are welcome, please book your place by clicking here.

Entrance Examinations Day for September 2025 entry will take place on Saturday 9 November 2024 from 9.30am to 3.30pm. The deadline for registrations, scholarship and bursary applications is Friday 27 September 2024.

If you have any questions please contact the Admissions Team on 01926 643201/297 or email admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.

Princethorpe College Taster Events

Throughout the Trinity Term, we will be hosting a number of Taster Events for prospective pupils looking to join Princethorpe in 2025 and beyond.

Year 4 and 5 Say Hello To Hockey
Saturday 11 May 2024 9.30am to 12.00pm

If you'd love to give hockey a try, why not come along to the Princethorpe College 'Year 4 and 5 Say Hello To Hockey' taster session!

This activity is open to children who do not attend a Foundation Prep School.

A morning of free hockey training on our astroturf, you'll learn new skills, make friends and have fun. Aimed at girls and boys, the morning will finish with a mini tournament, beginners most welcome!

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. To book your child's place please complete a booking and consent form, for a copy please click here.

Year 5 Taster Days
Wednesday 8 May, Tuesday 14 May, Tuesday 11 June, Thursday 13 June and Wednesday 19 June 2024

Aimed at prospective Year 5 pupils, our Taster Days are a great way for your child to really experience Princethorpe during a normal school day.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Please click here to book your child's place at one of our Year 5 Taster Days.

Crackley Hall and Crescent School Year 5 pupils and their parents have already been invited to school specific Taster Days and Parents' Information Sessions in April.

Year 6 Taster Days will be available in September 2024.

For further information on admissions and entry to the College in 2025 visit our school website or speak to the Admissions Team on 01926 634201/297 or by email at admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.


OPs Bluebells And Brunch

Saturday 11 May 2024 - 10.30am to 12.30pm

We are once again offering OPs, former parents and former staff the opportunity to visit the College and catch up over a full English or a croissant or two. As well enjoying a leisurely complimentary brunch (served until 12.00 noon) visitors will be able to wander around the Mile Walk and admire the bluebells, watch Saturday sports fixtures, and take an optional tour of the school campus.  

Former parents will have spent a considerable amount of time at Princethorpe over the years supporting their children, and may be missing their involvement in school life. The Old Princethorpians' Association organises the brunch as an opportunity for all to reconnect with both the College and each other in an informal, friendly environment.

If you would like to attend please register on Princethorpe Connect by Friday 2 May 2024.

Please do spread the word!

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High Performance Learners - Biannual Review

There has been a review of High Performance Learners in the school and those identified have been added to the High Performance Learner Team. Congratulations to those who have been added to the Team this week. Pupils are identified as a High Performance Learner for achieving in the top 10% of their year group according to the da Vinci points they have accrued as well as in the baseline testing completed in the first term. This Team is used to advertise additional opportunities for stretch and challenge that are available to them as part of the da Vinci programme. 

There will be a second review at the end of the academic year, with those who are in the top 10% of the year groups, according to their da Vinci points, being awarded a da Vinci badge. 

Julia Lindsay
Challenge Curriculum Coordinator


External Examinations 2024 - Update

Summer Exam Season

All pupils have been given their personal exam statement of entry. Timetables can be viewed on the pupil and parent portals. Nearer the time of exams, room and seating arrangement information will be made available.

A few pupils have exam clashes and they have all now been contacted via Teams to discuss a resolution. A clash of exams only occurs when two exams for different subjects are timetabled to start at the same time on the same day.

Where two exams for the same subject are timetabled to start at the same time on the same day, they will be taken one after the other. This applies to GCSE History, IGCSE French, IGCSE Spanish and A-level Maths.

All candidates have now received an email with a link to the Candidate Handbook, which contains important information about the summer exam season. A copy of the Candidate Handbook can be accessed here.

Sarah Tsang
Examinations Officer

Launch Of The Challenge Curriculum On Whole School Team From 1 March 2024 - Reminder

There is now a channel on the Whole School Team for pupils where there will be a monthly menu of challenge activities.

Each month a new menu of activities will be provided. March activities are all related to women as March is International Women's History Month. 

Pupils do not have to complete all the activities. They are available to all pupils in all years, so they can investigate areas that interest them - most areas of the school curriculum are covered each month with the aim that all areas are included over the whole year.

Pupils can do these activities in their own time and in prep - or any quiet moment when they are looking for something to do.

These activities are designed to widen pupils' experience and understanding, they are not always directly linked to what they are learning about, but provide culture capital and broader learning experiences. Pupils can simply click on the links in the Challenge Curriculum channel on the Whole School Team to access the materials and are welcome to take it further from there.

Julia Lindsay
Challenge Curriculum Co-ordinator (KS3 and KS4)

Easter Holiday Homework Expectations

Years 7, 8, 9

  1. No formal homework will be set for the holiday (although some pupils may have to complete homework set for the last week of the term).
  2. Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders.
  3. Please be aware that the internal exam week will begin on Monday 20 May 2024 and areas of learning will be explained by individual teachers as soon as possible.

Year 10

Based on a minimum of 2 hours work per weekday.

  1. Homework will be set for certain subjects.
  2. Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders. This is essential to ensure that all topics are ready for revision purposes.
  3. Plan and begin a revision programme for the summer exam week beginning Monday 20 May 2024. 

Year 11

Based on a minimum of 4 hours work per weekday.

  1. Specific holiday work/revision will be set for most subjects.
  2. Pupils should continue to follow their revision timetables using revision materials given to them by their teachers and tutors.
  3. Pupils should be encouraged to use a variety of revision techniques (revision books, online resources, past papers).

Sixth Form

Lower Sixth based on a minimum of 4 hours work per weekday.

  1. Specific holiday work may be set for certain subjects.
  2. Students will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders.
  3. Revision and preparation for the summer exams week beginning Monday 20 May 2024.

Upper Sixth based on a minimum of 5 hours work per weekday.

  1. Specific holiday homework and revision will be set for all subjects.
  2. Students will be expected to review their understanding of their topics and carry out additional research and tasks to ensure that secure revision can take place.
  3. Pupils should be encouraged to use a variety of revision techniques (revision books, online resources, past papers).

Thank you.

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head – Teaching and Learning

Year 7 Full Reports

Full reports for Year 7 will be published today (Friday 22 March), and will be available to view on My School Portal.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Lower Sixth Tutor Reports

Tutor Reports for Lower Sixth will be published today, Friday 22 March 2024, and will be available to view on My School Portal.  

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 8 And 9 360 Review Evening

Thursday 18 April 2024 - 6.00pm to 8.30pm

We would like to invite all parents of Year 8 and 9 pupils to a 360 Review Evening with their child’s Form Tutor. The main part of this will be a 15-minute face-to-face appointment with their Form Tutor to discuss overall progress and involvement in school. There will also be a presentation from senior staff to support pupils’ preparations for the forthcoming internal examination week, as well as the opportunity to meet with the Learning Support department.

Appointments will be available to book from 6.00pm on Thursday 11 April. We will email you to remind you nearer to the time.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic



Confirmation - Lent Term 2025

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in the College Chapel in the Lent Term 2025. We are waiting for the Bishop to confirm the date.

Confirmation preparation will begin in October 2024. The preparation takes place over the lunch break. There will be four sessions in the Michaelmas Term and four in the Lent Term. Each 20-minute session will be offered twice during the week to avoid clashes with other activities.

If you would like further information, please email marybenham@princethorpe.co.uk.

Please complete the enrolment form here if you would like to register a pupil for Confirmation by Friday 1 July.
Mary Benham
Chaplaincy Co-ordinator

Easter Prayer

The celebration of Easter just does not have the same popularity as Christmas. Cosy images of Christmas trees and the giving of presents by a blazing fire wins hands down when compared to scenes of a crucifixion and images of death. Yet Easter, which recalls the death and resurrection of Jesus, is the most important celebration in the Christian calendar. While the images of Good Friday are not for the faint hearted the story does not end there. The focus moves to the more celebration of Easter Sunday with the resurrection of Jesus. New life, new beginnings, renewed hope are the themes of the Easter season.

May this Easter holiday, as we relax with our family and friends, give us joy and happiness in their company and may the resurrected Jesus bless us in our studies and work as we prepare for the coming new term.

Gracious Father, Your Son conquered death on a cross and rose from the dead, on Easter Sunday morning. As we celebrate His victory over death may our faith be renewed and refreshed. Inspire us to be Easter people as we spread the message of your love and hope in all that we do.


An Easter Blessing
May the glory
and the promise
of this joyous time of year bring peace
and happiness to you
and those you hold most dear.
And may Christ,
Our Risen Saviour,
always be there by your side
to bless you
most abundantly
and be your loving guide.
- Author Unknown
Mary Benham
Chaplaincy Co-ordinator
View Gallery

Uniform Expectations And Sixth Form Dress Code

Can I please remind parents to read and fully appraise themselves again over Easter of the information in the Information Booklet for Parents and Pupils

In particular, the uniform updates and changes which have been made to the school uniform requirements and Sixth Form dress code, as these will continue to be enforced throughout the school year. If we do have any concerns with a pupil's uniform we will contact you directly to resolve any arising matters.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral

Sixth Form

Lent Term - Sixth Form Update

As we approach the end of the Lent term, I wanted to take a moment to extend my gratitude for your ongoing support and collaboration in your child's education journey. This term has been a period of growth, exploration, and achievement for our Sixth Form students, and we are proud of their dedication and progress.

Throughout the term, our students have demonstrated resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to their studies despite the challenges they faced. They have actively engaged in their academic pursuits, participated in co-curricular activities, and contributed positively to the school community.

40 Mile Walk - Sunday 7 April 2024

As advocates for social change and community service, our students will embark on a transformative journey during the 40 Mile Walk. This symbolic gesture not only demonstrates their commitment to charitable causes, but also fosters a sense of solidarity and empathy towards those in need. We encourage parents to support their children in this noble endeavour and join us in making a difference.

Prefect Training - Friday 12 April 2024

Empowering our students to lead with integrity and resilience, this Prefect Training will provide an invaluable opportunity for personal and professional development. Through interactive workshops and team-building exercises, students will hone their leadership skills and cultivate a sense of responsibility towards their peers and the wider community. The training sessions will take place 9.00am to 2.00pm.


24/7 Mary's Meals Walk - Sunday 12 May 2024

Continuing our tradition of philanthropy and global citizenship, we are proud to participate in the 24/7 Mary's Meals Walk. This initiative aims to support Mary's Meals in their mission to provide nutritious meals to children in some of the world's poorest communities. By walking together, our students exemplify the values of compassion, empathy, and solidarity.

In conclusion, as we navigate the opportunities and challenges of the Lent Term, we extend our deepest gratitude to all parents for their unwavering support and commitment to their child's education. Together, let us empower our Sixth Form students to embrace leadership, service, and personal growth. Ensuring that they emerge as confident, compassionate, and resilient individuals ready to make a positive impact on the world.

Key Dates

Sunday 7 April - 40 Mile Walk

Friday 12 April - Prefect Training 

Tuesday 23 April - UCAS Higher Education and Apprenticeship Evening

Sunday 12 May - 24/7 Mary's Meals Walk

Tuesday 2 July - Upper Sixth Leavers' Ball

Ben Collie 
Head of Sixth Form 

Upper Sixth Leavers' Essay Competition

This year we are inviting students of the Upper Sixth to partake in an essay writing competition.

There are two categories to the competition: The Travel Award and the Princethorpe Ethos Award.

In each category, students will be asked to write a timed essay. The Travel Award will focus on a gap year or summer travel plans and the Princethorpe Ethos Award will focus on what it means to be a Princethorpe student.

There is a £100 prize for the winners of each category plus a small memento. The competition will run on Thursday 18 April from 4.00pm-5.00pm (The Travel Award) and Tuesday 23 April from 4.00pm-5.00pm (The Princethorpe Ethos Award).

Winning entries will also be published in the next edition of The Pinnacle.

Joanna Evans
Whole School Language for Learning Lead, inc VESPA



OP Friendly Faces Support The Next Generation Of OPs

After Easter we will be talking to the Upper Sixth about the benefits of being part of the Old Princethorpians Association and in particular our OP Friendly Faces scheme.

The scheme links past pupils established at university with Upper Sixth Leavers as they start their first year. Providing a friendly, familiar face to meet up with over a coffee (compliments of the OPs) or having someone to call in their new university town or city, does, we know, make for a smoother experience in those first few weeks away from home.

Many of the current Upper Sixth are receiving their university offers and will soon be choosing their first and second choice destinations. Before they go on study leave in May they will have an assembly introducing the scheme and inviting them to sign up for a Friendly Face at their first choice university. 

Comments OPs Secretary, Melanie Butler, "We now have OP Friendly Faces in many university towns and cities and are hoping to expand on that again this year so we can get more of our leavers matched up for the new academic year. Understanding where our current Upper Sixth hope to study will help us plan for next year's scheme."

All leavers and their parents are automatically given free membership of the OP Association and are welcome at all of our events. They can also sign up to join PC Connect our online alumni community to stay in touch with the school and receive our termly OP e-newsletter. More information will be shared with students and parents after Easter.

For more information, please email oldprincethorpians@princethorpe.co.uk.

Universities and Careers

UCAS And Careers

UCAS Higher Education And Apprenticeship Information Evening For Parents And Students

Tuesday 23 April - 6.30pm to 8.00pm

We invite all Lower Sixth Form students and their parents to an evening in school to help prepare for forthcoming applications to university and apprenticeships.

The evening is an opportunity to learn all about the application process, including timings and tips for writing applications.

During the evening, there will be separate breakout sessions to find out more about Degree Apprenticeships, including hearing from an Apprentice about their experiences. Applications to Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine will also be covered.

This will be an extremely informative evening and we therefore encourage all parents and students to come along.


Support The PTA Online - Reminder

Did you know you can support the Princethorpe PTA online?

Follow, like, and share our social media posts to help us reach a wider audience. The more people who are aware of our fundraising events, the greater impact we can make for the school community! Please see below the links to our social media pages:

Facebook: PTA Princethorpe

Instagram: @princethorpepta

X (Twitter): @PrincethorpePta

Thank you. 

Princethorpe PTA

PTA Easyfundraising - Reminder

Please don’t forget that Princethorpe College PTA is registered with easyfundraising. 

When you shop via the easyfundraising website or app, with over 4,100 of your favourite retailers, including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Amazon and many more, you will raise FREE donations for the school.  

If you’re not already registered, please visit our easyfundraising page here.

This will really make a difference to our school! Thank you for your support.

Join Our Princethorpe PTA Community - Reminder

Are you interested in joining the PTA Committee?

Comprising a dedicated group of volunteer parents and guardians of Princethorpe students, the committee orchestrates and assists in various school events, including the immensely popular Summer Fête and Christmas Fair, aimed at raising funds for projects within the school that enrich the student experience and foster a sense of community.

If you are interested in offering your support or wish to become more actively involved in event planning by joining the committee and attending meetings, please don't hesitate to email us at ptassociation@princethorpe.co.uk.


Year 8s Took Part In The Library's Reading Game

Our Year 8 pupils recently took part in The Reading Game in the Library. 

The idea of the library session is to remind young people of the different genres that are out there and give them examples of books in particular genres. They discussed between their groups what they thought was the best book cover and why, which had the best blurb and then they took it in turns to read the first page before deciding which had the best start.

There were some really good discussions and it was great to see some of our pupils discovering genres that they didn’t think they would enjoy. The genres we looked at were dystopian, horror, fantasy and adventure, poetry and graphic novels. Dystopian was a firm favourite with 43% of pupils voting it as their first choice.

Nicola Treadwell
Head Librarian

Co-curricular Calendar For Trinity Term

We are pleased to share details of next term's co-curricular activities with pupils and parents.  

A copy of the Trinity Term calendar will be mailed to all families during the Easter holidays. We hope this will assist with your planning in the interim. Please find an online copy linked here

If you have any queries regarding co-curricular activities, please don't hesitate to contact me at neilmccollin@princethorpe.co.uk

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular


Educational Visits And Trips - Reminder

Educational and co-curricular visits have always been a major part of life at Princethorpe. These experiences for pupils enrich their lives, enhance their learning and develop their understanding and appreciation of the world around them. 

We would like to remind you of the provisional major trips plan as it currently stands (this does not include academic department day trips or Duke of Edinburgh's Award). Please click here for the planned school trips.

Please also ensure that you read the information about individual trips with care when they are released, in particular in relation to consent, cancellation and insurance.

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular

Celebrating Pupil Achievements Outside School

It is always great to be able to share news of pupils' co-curricular successes outside of school.

We were impressed to hear that Upper Sixth Form student Rhys Milestone was Tournament Champion at the recent Northants Open Kickboxing Championship recently. Congratulations to Rhys on a super result. 

Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award 2023-24 – Training And Practice Expeditions

Good luck to all with your final preparations for the upcoming trips. Please refer to your emails for full details. Additional help and resources can be found on the DofE MySchoolPortal page here.

Many of you will have now completed your timescales for the volunteering, physical and skills sections. Please upload evidence on your eDofE account and speak to your assessors regarding the completion of your final assessor report.

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager


Princethorpe Foundation - Fees In Advance Scheme  

We are about to relaunch our Fees In Advance Scheme, which would be applicable for fees from September 2024 for Princethorpe College, Crescent School and Crackley Hall School.

More details will be available shortly, to register your interest or to request more information please complete the online form here.

Eddie Tolcher
Foundation Bursar

General Notice Period Requirements

Parents are reminded of the notice requirements according to our terms and conditions.

A term's notice is required if a pupil will not be returning to the school. Notice must be in writing, addressed to the Headmaster, via the Registrar, Mrs Rogers by the first day of term.

All letters are acknowledged within seven days; if you do not receive an acknowledgement then please contact the Registrar immediately. 

Eddie Tolcher
Foundation Bursar

Year 11 Pupils Notice Period

Sixth Form offer letters, including scholarships, have been issued this week. To assist us with our planning of teaching sets and timetabling, please could you let us know in writing to Mr du Toit, via the Registrar, Mrs Rogers by Wednesday 17 April 2024, if you do not wish to take up the offered Sixth Form place. 

This would meet the term’s notice of withdrawal as set out in our terms and conditions.

Parents are reminded that if a decision is made subsequently not to take up the offered Sixth Form place and a term’s notice has not been given, you would be liable for the term's fees.

Eddie Tolcher 
Foundation Bursar

Notice Requirement For Buses

Please note that half a term's notice is required if a pupil no longer needs to use the bus service provided by the school.

Parents wishing to give notice should contact Vectare by email princethorpe@vectare.co.uk.

Eddie Tolcher
Foundation Bursar


Communication - Reminder

We would like to remind parents of some useful contact details.

To report a pupil absence please do so on My School Portal.

For other enquiries please use the email addresses below:

Bus related queries - princethorpe@vectare.co.uk

School Shop - uniform@princethorpe.co.uk

Medical Centre - pcmatrons@princethorpe.co.uk

School fees -  accounts@princethorpe.co.uk

General enquiries - post@princethorpe.co.uk

Lost property - lostproperty@princethorpe.co.uk

Wisepay catering - cashless@princethorpe.co.uk

Email addresses for members of teaching staff can be found on My School Portal.

Term Dates - 2023-24 And 2024-25 - Reminder

Please find below the updated Term Dates for 2023-24 and 2024-25.

2023 -2024 (two page document) - revised Open Morning and Christmas Fair dates

2024-2025 (two page document) - revised Sixth Form Open Evening and Christmas Fair dates

Employment Opportunities

Please see below our current vacancies: 

Crackley Hall School

  • PA to the Head and Office Manager

Princethorpe College

  • Cleaner

Full details and how to apply are available via the following link: Join Us

Should you know anyone who might be interested in this post, please do share this information with them.