Sixth Form

Sixth Form Update

Thank you to all the Sixth Form students who helped at our Christmas lunch for local care home residents. Everyone had a fabulous time and they spoke very highly of the hospitality and entertainment provided by our students. We've also had our Christmas assembly and it was a real pleasure to issue so many awards for hard work, kindness and effort. 

Student Leadership for 2023/24 has been launched

Deadline for applications is Monday 3 January 2023

Upper Sixth Mock Examinations

Here is a link to the presentation about the importance of the Mock Examinations and the A-Level timeline.

A reminder that Upper Sixth will not have study leave in January, but they will have  study leave in February.

UCAS and Careers

Any questions about UCAS or careers related advice please contact Mrs Quinney directly by email at

Key Dates

Wednesday 11 to Wednesday 18 January - Business and Sports BTEC examinations

Wednesday 4 to Friday 6 January - Upper Sixth Mock Examinations

Friday 13 January - Upper Sixth Mock reports available on My School Portal

Wednesday 18 January - Upper Sixth Subject Progress Evening

Tuesday 7 February - Interview Skills Day

Saturday 18 March - Careers Fair

Thursday 29 June - Upper Sixth Thanksgiviing Eucharist and Buffet Supper

Wednesday 5 July - Upper Sixth Leavers' Ball 

Wishing you all a very happy and relaxing Christmas, and a peaceful and healthy 2023.

Best wishes

Ben Collie 
Head of Sixth Form