
Lost Property

Can we please remind parents that as a rule, property should not be left at school overnight or at weekends. The school is in constant use by outside teams, clubs and organisations so we cannot control access to belongings if they have been left at school at these times.  

All items found will be stored safely at the Student Hub. They can then be collected at break or lunch time.

Parents can email about any items that have been lost. We will then email a response back as quickly as we can.

Please note that if a lost item does not have a name label then it is almost impossible to return it to its owner. Any lost property which is named or initialled enables us to notify pupils via a TEAMS message so it can then be reunited with them. Can you please reiterate the importance of pupils checking TEAMS for their messages.

We have a terrific number of drinks bottles in lost property at the Student Hub. Please ask you child to look if they have lost one.

We do want to ensure that pupils take responsibility for their belongings, in particular their valuables, and not to leave items around the school. For this reason we do discourage pupils from bringing valuable items into school at all.   

Thank you for your continued support.

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral

Nasal Flu Vaccinations 2023

Pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 will be offered a nasal flu vaccination in school on Thursday 5 January 2023.

Parents should have received a link to the consent form by email earlier this week together with further information relating to this procedure. 

Please note that the link to this consent form closes on Wednesday 11 December.

Paula Greig  
Senior Matron