Universities and Careers

An Update From The Careers Team

Welcome to the start of a new school year. We thought we would take this opportunity to remind you of what we do and where we can be found. Our office is now in F49 on Lower Pugin, and Kerry Low and I welcome visits from students and staff with queries and questions. 

Here is reminder of what we aim to do.

For pupils

For all year groups we can talk about pupils' choices and options for subjects and careers. We offer each student a one-to-one guidance interview in Y10 and Y11 and again in L6. Students are also welcome to pop into F49 at lunch, tutor or breaktime for further help. We also contribute to the careers curriculum that runs from Yr7 to Yr13 in PHSE and provide information for all the choices the students will need to make at the appropriate time.

For parents

Parents can contact the careers team via email and one of us will get in touch. 

Finally, we are now responsible for Work Experience and the biannual Careers Fair, next scheduled for March 2023. If you are a parent and feel you could contribute in terms of offering a work placement or exhibiting at our Careers Fair please get in touch.

Jacqui Quinney   
Head of Careers




Opportunity For Healthcare Virtual Work Experience

The Healthcare Virtual Work Experience Programme is an excellent opportunity to participate in the largest programme for students who are specifically interested in the following careers:

Occupational Therapy
Prosthetics and Orthotics
Speech and Language Therapy

Applications for this programme are now open, and they will be open throughout this academic year, with the first programme taking place on Sunday 2 October. 

Students can enrol here.

During the work experience day, students will follow two patients from their initial presentation to recovery. Students will observe the healthcare professionals as they interact with the patients and each other. They will have an opportunity to ask questions and gain knowledge through observation.

This will help students learn about how healthcare professionals work together as part of a multidisciplinary team. Each work experience day is completely different and students will be able to build on their knowledge of NHS careers as they see different patient cases and healthcare professionals work in a variety of settings, such as in hospital and out in the community.

Students will also receive certificates as evidence of having participated in the work experience programme. Places cost £10 a day to cover administrative costs.

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The Empowered Females In STEM Programme

Have you heard about the 'Upskill Me’s Empowered Females in STEM Programme'?

The programme aims to:

Prepare your skills for the start of your STEM careers.

Enable you to network with global STEM employers in-person and online.

Raise your self-efficacy.

Empower you to be valued members and bold leaders of the STEM community.

The programme involves you attending masterclasses and receiving group mentorship from diverse and relatable women in STEM. You will also carry out a real-world STEM challenge with individual support from industry experts working in global STEM companies.

If you are interested in this exellent opportuntiy please apply via this application link by the deadline, which is Friday 23 September.


University Admissions Tests For Entry September 2023 - Reminder

Some degree courses require students to take an admissions test as part of their application. It will be stated in the entry requirements for the course and Sixth Form students can check with their tutor or a member of the Sixth Form Leadership Team. Registration for these tests is now open and must be completed by Thursday 29 September 2022. Late registrations are not accepted.

The BMAT test has a fee of £75 all other tests are free.

Tests take place in school during October and early November depending on the subject, individual test dates are shown on the back of the registration form.

To be entered for a test please complete the attached form here and return to the examinations office before the deadline.

Shellagh Dodds
Examination and Assessment Manager