
Innovation And Adventure Days

Innovation and Adventure days this year take place during the last week of term on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 July. Normal lessons are suspended and a wide variety of activities are on offer at school and off-site.

Pupils have already indicated what they would like to do and we have been finalising an exciting and varied programme. The final list will be communicated to pupils and parents on Tuesday 17 May so please discuss with your child their potential thoughts.

Forms will go out to the pupils on Tuesday. Bookings open at 6.00pm on Wednesday 18 May and will be on a first come first serve basis.

Some activities attract a charge – this charge will be added to the school bill with parent consent. If you have any queries about the Innovation and Adventure days, please do not hesitate to contact me.

We have some really exciting opportunities and the days will be a great way to end the term.

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular

Trinity Term Celebration Of Achievement

It is always great to hear about our pupils' successes that take place outside of school; please do keep us updated if your son or daughter has won a competition, is performing in a show or competing at a high level with a sporting team outside of school, we would love to hear more. 

We would like to invite parents to submit this information to us via a nomination form by clicking here so we might celebrate these achievements in school too.  

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular